In this study session, you have learned that:

  1. An environmental health hazard is anything in the environment that endangers human health and life; there are various types of environmental health hazard.
  2. Managing environmental health hazards requires knowledge of environmental health hazard identification, exposure conditions including the pathways of the hazards and hazard controls or interventions.
  3. The principle of hazard management involves hazard recognition, deeper analysis of the risk of the hazard and the control or treatment and monitoring of the hazard.
  4. Contamination and pollution are different; uncertainty of damage is a characteristic of contamination, while there is certainty of harm in the case of pollution.
  5. The environment has a natural self-cleaning process. Pollution occurs when the self-cleaning process is defeated. The consequence of water, air and soil pollution is damage to the environment and to humans.
  6. Pollution management is an extension of hazard management with the focus on pollution prevention and control. Pollution prevention and control principles address various concepts including accountability, responsibility, and economic and environmental liability.
Last modified: Monday, 23 June 2014, 1:38 PM