In the session I, you were introduced to the policy development processes including the systems thinking in relation to policy development and analysis processes, as well as political and legislative and decision making processes. This study session deals with the issues of Establishing and Conducting Business Relationships. In establishing and conducting business, the key to success is cultivating a healthy relationship with customers. Developing and maintaining relationships will allow your business to thrive, thus this study session will address ways of establishing contact with customers. In addition, you cannot manage a quality service organization unless you understand the nature of what you are providing; fully realize what your customers want from you and how they perceive you from the start. Therefore, this session will introduce you to the techniques of clarifying customers' needs. The learning you get from this study session will help you to be equipped with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes required to manage business relationship with customers.

Last modified: Tuesday, 22 November 2016, 12:57 PM