Ethics and Moral: an Overview

Ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos, meaning custom or character. Ethics can be defined as the branch of philosophy dealing with standards of conduct and moral judgment. It refers to a method of inquiry that assists people to understand the morality of human behavior. (i.e. it is the study of morality). When used in this sense, ethics is an activity; it is a way of looking at or investigating certain issues about human behavior.

Ethics refers to the practices or beliefs of a certain group (i.e. nursing ethics, Physicians' ethics). It also refers to the expected standards as described in the group's code of professional conduct. Ethics is concerned what ought to be, what is right, or wrong, good or bad. It is the base on moral reasoning and reflects set of values. It is a formal reasoning process used to determine right

conduct. It is professionally and publicly stated inquiry or study of principles and values. It is process of questioning, and perhaps changing, one's morals.

Moral: is principles and rules of right conduct. It is private or personal. Commitment to principles and values are usually defended in daily life.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 7:35 PM