In study session IV you have learnt

  • Health team is a group of people working together to give health care to individuals and families in a community.
  • A good team work can be achieved by setting and sharing objectives with team members, encourage good personal relationship by using different supervision styles, distribute task/work (organizing) and co-coordinating the activities of the team
  • The techniques of leading a health team include: share and set objectives together, delegating, using different style of supervision and motivation
  • Main motivators in work include: achievement, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, advancement /reward, and self improvement
  • Common cause of dissatisfaction or demotivation include: inefficient administration, incompetent supervision, poor leadership qualities, low pay and bad working conditions
  • Communication is the art of developing and attaining understanding between people. It is the process of exchanging information and feeling between two or more people, and it is essential to effective management..
  • Communication is the process of sharing our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with other people and having those ideas, thoughts, and feelings understood by the people we are communicating with.
  • In the Model of communication process components of communication include; sender, encoding, channel, decoding and receiver
  • Barriers to communication include: noise, missing information, alteration of information, overloading, lack of attention, lack of confidence, lack of time and language
  • Communication types can be classified based on organizational relationship, based on direction of communication flow or based on way of expression
  • Based on organizational relationship communication is classified as formal and informal communication
  • Based on the direction of flow communication is categorized as: downward, upward and horizontal communication
  • Based on of way of expression communication is classified as: oral and written communication.
  • Culture is the patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn, create, and share.
  • Culture involves learned and transmitted knowledge about values, beliefs, rules of behavior, and lifestyle practices that guide designated groups in their thinking and actions in patterned ways.
  • The awareness of culture in the delivery of anesthetic health care includes respect for cultural diversity, culturally sensitive or comprehensive care, and culturally competent or appropriate health care.
Last modified: Monday, 21 November 2016, 1:03 PM