Health Team

Health team is a group of people working together to give health care to individuals and families in a community. (Team - group of people 5-12 assigned to work together)

N.B members of a health team include all those working together in any health organization.

Types of Health Team

  • It may vary depending on the type of work and specialty.
  • A team is two or more people who interact and influence each other towards a common purpose. E.g. surgical team and MCH team etc

How to Achieve Good Team Work?

There are four possible ways to achieve a good team work. These are:-

  1. Setting and sharing objectives with team members
  2. Encourage good personal relationship by using different supervision styles
  3. Distribute task/work (organizing)
  4. Co-coordinating the activities of the team

How to Lead Health Team?

The following are some of the techniques used in leading a health team.

Share and Set Objectives Together

a) People work well when they agree with one another. Therefore, let all know the objectives.

b) Consider the following during objective setting

I. People in the community
II. patients
III. health workers
IV. other sectors
* A good team leader sets the objectives with his/her work team

Delegating Authority and Responsibility and Decision Making

Use Different Style of Supervision


Objectives are good motivator. Motivation is an inner impulse that induces a person to act in a certain way

Motivation is forces within or outside the individual or group that initiate, direct, and sustain action toward a goal or sets of goals. Management is the art of getting things done by other people. Getting wok done is a difficult task because it is related with human behavior. The success of any organization depends upon the behaviors and interest of the employee. Motivation is an important function of a leader to influence his/her workers.

Main Motivators in Work

a. Achievement

  • Most people like to do thing well
  • Satisfaction in success
  • Help people of achieve work objectives

b. Recognition

  • People like other also to know their success
  • Give praise when it is done

c. The Work Itself

  • People like to do useful and worthwhile work, help to other people and helping themselves achieve their ideals.
  • Explain the value of work.

d. Responsibility

  • To have responsibility is to be able to accept the consequence good or bad, of action.
  • Most people like to make important decision about their own lives and to accepts responsibility for doing so
  • Help other to take responsibility

e. Advancement / Reward

  • Advancement is a form of recognition
  • Recognition without reward is not very convincing

f. Self Improvement

  • Many make great sacrifices to improve themselves and their families.

Common Cause of Dissatisfaction / Demotivation

  • Inefficient administration
  • Incompetent supervision: Supervisors are expected to be technically competent
  • Poor leadership qualities: People should be treated fairly and like to be consulted about their work
  • Poor leadership qualities
    • People respond much better to example than extortion.
    • Do as I say, not as I do is a Poor method of leading
  • Low pay: high salary has a temporary effect in motivating employee
  • Bad working conditions (the environment in general)

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Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 7:47 PM