Health Care System Management


Through generations, there happened that the resources available to human being is progressively becoming inadequate and needed a means to use it efficiently and effectively. This has led the development of scientific management practices. Similarly, we need health management skills in health care system as most of health professionals often find themselves in a managerial position without proper orientation and training.

Health resources are materials, medical equipments and human beings / health professionals / used to give anesthetic services in the intended facilities. Similarly, health resources are also share the same thing that it is getting insufficient and also complicated by uneven distribution which demanded the introduction of management practices in health sector so that scares health resources to be used efficiently and equitably. In summary, therefore there is a high and urgent need to have health professionals with basic management skills so that they are capable of implementing management activities such as planning, reporting, supervision, efficient use of resources.

Definition of Management

The Practice of Management has existed ever since man has been organized into communities. Although management is so old and universal, it has been defined in ways that appear different but that have a strong underlying similarity. Some regard it as getting things done. Others consider it the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other resources. Still others consider management as: "The process of directing, co-coordinating, and influencing the operations of an organization so as to obtain desired results and enhance total performance."

The definition of management is based on two principles:

  1. Commitment to achievement, and
  2. The importance of people and other resources.

This means that people are the most important resource for getting things done.

Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading/directing, and controlling the efforts of organizational members (people) by using all available organizational resources to attain/reach/achieve organizational goals/targets/ objectives. ( Menson, Albert).

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 7:42 PM