Problem Identification and Prioritization

Setting priority is the most critical in competing needs and limited resources and hardest, planning stage and yet cannot be avoided. Therefore, in situational analysis list of problems (disease, resources, health service structure problems were identified).

Problem- a problem is a difficulty or obstacle seen to exist between present situation and

Desired future objectives

What Exist Now (the Present Situation) What Should Be (Programme Objective Ideal Situation) Problem Gap
50% vaccination coverage 80% coverage (EPI) 30%

Grouping problems under common headings is useful; for example we can categorize similar problems as follows:

  • Environmental Problems: Poor sanitation, overcrowding & lack of safe drinking water
  • Disease or Health Problems: Malaria, malnutrition, respiratory diseases & diarrhoea
  • Socio-Economic Problems: Low per capital income, illiteracy & cultural and religious habits
  • Health Service Problems: Lack of qualified personnel

Making such groups of problems helps seeking common solutions. However there are always discrepancies between the health needs (problems that need to be solved) and available resources. Hence, the planner is obliged to take certain problems (priority problems).

First Priority problems are often selected by setting selection criteria and giving scores for each problem according to these criteria.

The Selection Criteria for Priority Setting Are:-

  • Magnitude of the problem
  • Degree of severity (consequent suffering and disability)
  • Feasibility in terms of cost effectiveness and social acceptability of intervention.
  • Sustainability in terms of resources and organizational capacity
  • Community concern
  • Political and social acceptability with consideration of equity
  • Consistence with multi - sectoral approach
  • Consistence with governmental planning and budgetary system
  • Clear defined system with donors (if linkage exists)

Ranking which health problems they think were most important. This can be done by using criteria on five point scales:

-5 points-very high, 4 points-high, 3 points-moderate, 2 points-low and 1 point-very low

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 7:40 PM