Disaster: A disaster is an unexpected accident resulting from natural or man-made factors (or a combination of both) that has a negative impact on the daily lives and living conditions of humans and flora. It is the Incident that occurs in a sudden manner, complex in nature, resulting in the loss of lives, damages to property or the environment as well as affecting the daily activities of local community. Such incident requires the handling of resources, equipment, frequency and extensive manpower from various agencies as well as effective coordination and the possibility of demanding complex actions over a long period of time.

Types of Disaster

Natural Disasters

Include floods, droughts, earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, landslides, volcanic eruptions etc.

Man-Made Disasters

Include chemical accidents, oil spills, radiological accidents, conflicts/wars, mass population displacement or refugee emigration, forest fires etc.

Currently both natural and manmade disasters are increasing in both frequency and intensity .Capacity to combat disasters in developing countries is particularly weak, and disaster preparedness strategies and programs need to be built into ongoing developmental efforts, and link it to broader economic development activities.

Last modified: Monday, 21 November 2016, 11:14 AM