Pre-Hospital EMS Providers

There should be a Nationally Recognized Levels of Training

First Responders

Are trained at the most basic level to provide initial emergency care at the scene until more highly trained personnel arrive. Ideally, in a system, there will be a high number of First Responders located throughout the community in order to arrive at the scene of the emergency quickly.

EMT-Basics & EMT-Intermediates

Is the first level of EMS personnel to provide patient care both at the scene and during transportation. The skills performed by EMT-Bs include such things as the use of specialized airway devices, spinal immobilization, and the use of certain medications.


Are the most highly trained pre-hospital care providers in the EMS system. Paramedics are EMT-Bs with extensive additional training and education that have a wider scope of knowledge of disease processes and provide advanced life support for patients with a variety of problems.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2017, 7:54 PM