Goals of EMSS

Reduce mortality and morbidity due to emergency conditions.

Components of an EMS System

  1. Regulation and policy- on level and type of the EMSS design
  2. Resource management- institutional, equipment standards
  3. Human resources and training - level and profession of care providers for both pre and intra institutions
  4. Transportation- type, design of ambulances
  5. Facilities (hospitals)- different level health institutions such as primary, secondary, tertiary level, trauma centers
  6. Communications - access to the system, and communication between EMS providers, public safety, and medical control. Three digit, radio communication, internet,...
  7. Public information and education- continuous updating information on the system utilization, its progress, strengths, and weaknesses, expectation from the public
  8. Medical oversight (physician involvement)- physician involvement on the pre hospital services
  9. Trauma systems - organized network of resources and procedures for providing care to critically injured patients
  10. Evaluation - quality assurance/quality improvement processes done for the improvement of the system

Last modified: Monday, 21 November 2016, 9:14 AM