Head and spinal cord injury is a major cause of long-term disability and economic loss to society. In the previous session IV, anesthesia for trauma patient you have learnt how to assess and mange trauma patient in general. Assessment of injuries takes place initially in the form of a primary survey, during which time life-threatening injuries are excluded. This is followed by a secondary survey when a more detailed assessment of injuries is carried out, including head and spinal cord injuries. All polytrauma patients should be assumed to have a cervical spinal injury until proven otherwise; precautionary cervical spine immobilization should be instigated for all patients at the scene of the injury by pre-hospital staff. Much of the neurological damage resulting from a head injury does not occur immediately, but in the minutes, hours and days that follow. It is for this reason that so much emphasis is placed on immediate management of head-injured patients and successful primary survey and resuscitation improve the outcome of head and spinal cord injured patient. In this session you will acquire knowledge, skill and right attitude on focused general and anesthetic management of patient with spinal cord and head trauma.

Last modified: Sunday, 20 November 2016, 12:43 PM