When you have studied this session, you should be able to:

  • Define and use correctly all of the key words printed in bold.
  • Describe methods of prevention of obstetric hemorrhage
  • Identify signs of impending maternal collapse with a normal blood pressure
  • Describe sign of life-threatening hypovolaemia.
  • Discuss the steps in initial resuscitation and stabilization of obstetric hemorrhage
  • Describe the 4Ts: Directed therapy and definitive treatment ofobstetric hemorrhage
  • Identify drugs used in obstetric hemorrhage
  • Describe the techniques of blood transfusion for obstetric hemorrhage
  • List specialist techniques used in the management of obstetric hemorrhage
  • Describe anaesthesia techniques used in obstetric hemorrhage

Key points

  • Major Heamorrhage is defined as a single blood loss of > 1500 ml, continuing blood loss of 150 ml/hr or a transfusion requirement of 4 units of red cells.
  • The early team approach to managing major hemorrhage will improve the outcome for the mother
  • Early resuscitation is essential
  • Early diagnosis of the cause of major haemorrhage will focus therapy and can be easily remembered by thinking of the 4Ts
  • Specialist techniques of balloon tamponade or B-Lynch suture are effective in persistent uterine atony
  • Coagulation failure occurs early in obstetric haemorrhage and should be corrected if possible
  • After care of the mother with regular monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, urine output will improve outcome.
Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2016, 6:45 PM