The Use of Oxytocics

Oxytocin or syntocinon is the first line agent to help contract the uterus after delivery of the placenta. It can be administered as a bolus dose of 5 units slowly IV or 30 units/litre in normal saline or Hartmann’s over 4 hours. This is usually effective. However, occasionally ergometrine (0.2mg IM or IV) may be required. Ergometrine is a second line agent. It can elevate blood pressure and therefore should be used cautiously in severe pre-eclampsia. It produces nausea, vomiting and vasoconstriction which is hazardous in patients with pre-eclampsia.

The third line agents are prostaglandins, if available. Prostaglandin f2 alpha (250micrograms) injected intramyometrium is effective. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and bronchoconstriction.

Last modified: Thursday, 17 November 2016, 6:15 PM