Classification of Physical Health Status of the Patient

American society of anesthesiologists physical status classification (ASA classification)
ASA1 A patient with surgical condition only, without systemic illness
ASA2 A patient with mild systemic disease(mild diabetes mellitus, Controlled hypertension, anemia, chronic bronchitis, morbid obesity)
ASA3 A patient with sever systemic disease that limits activity(angina pectoris, obstructive pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction)
ASA4 A patient with an incapacitation diseases that is a constant threat to life(Congestive heart failure, Renal failure)
ASA5 A Moribund patient not expected to survive longer than 24hrs(ruptured aortic aneurysm, head trauma with increased intracranial pressure)
ASA6 Brain-dead organ donor
If it is an emergency the category number above should be followed by the letter E (denoting emergency).

Note: In patients whose physical status is unreliable consultation with different specialties appropriate to the patient specific problem to clarify critical aspects of the patient's pathophysiology is necessary. The consultation can extend from preoperative optimization to post operative management of underlying problems.

Last modified: Wednesday, 16 November 2016, 10:14 AM