Closed Anesthetic Breathing System
Closed Anesthetic Breathing System
In a closed anesthetic breathing system (Figure3.6), there is total rebreathing of exhaled gases after absorption of carbon dioxide, and the APL valve or relief valve of the ventilator is closed. A closed system is present when the fresh gas inflow into the circle system (150 to 500 mL/min) satisfies the patient's metabolic oxygen requirements and replaces anesthetic gases lost by virtue of tissue uptake.
Advantages of a closed circle anesthetic breathing system over a semiclosed circle anesthetic breathing system include:
- Maximal humidification and warming of inhaled gases,
- Less pollution of the surrounding atmosphere with anesthetic gases.
- Economy in the use of anesthetics
A disadvantage of a closed circle anesthetic breathing system is an inability to rapidly change the delivered concentration of anesthetic gases and oxygen because of the low fresh gas inflow.
Last modified: Tuesday, 15 November 2016, 7:02 PM