Taboos - ድሑራት ኣበሃህላታት(ታቡስ)
Something that is avoided, banned, or not allowed because of a cultural belief.
ብምኽንያት ባህላዊ እምነታት ዘለው/ዝረኣዩ ኮይኑ ግን ክውገዱ ዝግበኦም ወይ ዘይፍቀዱ ምስ ድሕረት ዝተተሓሓዙ ነገራት
Taeniasis - ሕማም ሓቢ
Tapeworm infestation. Taeniasis is a parasitic zoonotic disease caused by the adult stage of large tapeworms that live in the intestines of human hosts.
ብሓቢ ምዉራር- ሕማም ሓቢ ካብ ህማም ዘለወን እንስሳ ብዓብዪ ደረጃ ሓቢ ዝመፅአ ፅግዕተኛ ሕማም ኮይኑ ኣብ መዓንጣ ወዲ ሰብ ዝነብር ዩ፡፤
Tartar - ታርታር
Calculus of the teeth.
ስኒ ብዘይ ምሙዋፅ ኣብ ስኒ ተፀግዑ ዝህሊ ጠንካራ ነገር ወይ ንፃፍ እምኒ ዝመስል
TB - ቲቢ (ዓባይ ሰዓል)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It usually attacks the lungs, but can also affect other parts of the body.
ቲቢ(ዓባይ ሰዓል) ብዓይኒ ብዘይረኣዩ ማይኮባክተሪየም ዝበሃሉ ባክትሪያ ዝመፅእ ሕማም ዩ፡ መብዛሕትኡ ዘጥቀዖ ሳንባ እንትኾን ካሊእ ኣካል ሰዉነትውን ከጥቅዕ ይኽእል
Tetanus - ለኻቲ መንጋጋ
Tetanus is a neurological disorder, that is, a disorder of the nervous system. Symptoms of tetanus are tight muscles that are difficult to relax, and muscle spasms (muscle contractions that occur without the person wanting them to).
ለኻቲ መንጋጋ ናይ ነርቭ(ስርዓተ ነርቭ) ሽግር ዘለዎ ሕማም ዩ፡፤ ምልክታቱ ድማ ጭዋዳታት ምዉጣር ንምዝንናይ ወይ ንምልሕላሕ ዘፀግም፤ ካብ ድሌት ወፃኢ ጭዋዳታት ምኩምታር(ምግትታር)፣ ኣፍ ዘይ ምኽፋት ዘይምዕፃው
Thermometer - ቴርሞሜትር
An instrument used to measure how hot a person's body temperature is.
ናይ ሰብ ሰውነት ሙቀት(ረስኒ) መለከዒ መሳረሒ
Tick - ቁርዲድ
A crawling insect-like animal that buries its head under the skin and sucks blood.
ርእሱ ኣብ ዉሽጢ ቆርበት ካሊእ እንስሳ ቐቢሩ ደም ዝምገብ ነብሳት
Tolerance - ምፅዋር(ምኽኣል)
The power of enduring or resisting the action of a drug, poison, etc. E.g. A tolerance to antibiotics.
ንመድሓኒታት፡ መረዝቲ ነገራት፡ ንመድሓኒታት ናይ ምፅዋር ወይ ምኽኣል ሓይሊ
Tonsils - ሓናት(ቶንሲል)
Small organs in the throat, containing white blood cells, which help to prevent infection entering the body through the mouth.
ኣብ ድሕሪ መልሓስ ወይ ላዕለዋይ ጎሮሮ ዘለዋ ፀዓዱ ዋህዮታት ደም ዘለወን ኣናእሽቱ ኣካላት ኮይነን ብኣፍ ናብ ሰዉነት ረኽሲ ከይኣቱ የከላኸላ፡፡
Toxic - መርዛም
Toxins - መርዚታት
Any poison produced by an organism.
ብሂወታዊያን ዝምረቱ መርዚታት
Toxoid - ዚተዳኸሙ መርዚታት
Toxin rendered nontoxic by treatment with chemical agents or by physical means and used for administration into the body in order to produce specific immunity by stimulating the production of antibodies.
መርዚ ኾይኑ ዘይምርዝ ከም መድሃኒት ብኬምካላዊ ወይ ኣካላዊ ንሰብ ዝወሃብ ምእንታን ነናይ ባዕሎም ፍሉይ መከላኸሊ ዓቅሚ(ኣንቲበድይ) ከምርቱ ዘለዓዕል ዩ፡፡
Trachoma - ትራኮማ
An infectious eye disease that can eventually cause blindness if left untreated.
ተመሓላላፋይ ሕማም ዓይኒ ኾይኑ እንተዘይተሓኪሙ ዕዉርነት ዘስዕብ
Tract - መስመር(ቱቦ)
A system of body organs and parts that work together to do a special job; for example, the urinary tract cleans the blood and gets rid of urine.
ኣብ ሰዉነትና ፍሉይ ስራሕ ዘስርሑ ስርዓት ኣካላትን ምስኦም ዝሰርሑ ክፍሊታትን ብሓደ ዝፈጥርዎ ዩ፡ ንኣብነት ናይ ሽንቲ ቱቦ(መስመር) ደም ብምፅራይ ብሽንቲ ክወፅእ(ክዉገድ) ይገብሮ
Traditions - ባህሊታት
Traditions are long-established patterns of beliefs, actions or behaviours, often handed down within a community over many generations.
ኣብ ነዊሕ ጊዜ ኣብ ማሕበረሰብ ካብ ትዉሊዲ ናብ ትዉሊዲ እናተሃነፁን እናተሰጋገሩ(እናተቀባበሉን) ዝመፅኡ እምነታት፤ ፍፃመታት፡ ባህሪታት
Training - ስልጠና
The act of being prepared for something, of being taught or learning a particular skill and practising it.
ከይዲ ምድላው ንዚኾነ ነገር፡ ንምምሃርን ምስትምሃር ዝኮነ ፍሉይ ክእለትን ትግበራ እቲ ክእለትን
Transpiration - ትራንስፓይረሽን
The release of water vapour (water as a gas) from plants and soils into the atmosphere.
ብተኽሊታትን ካብ ሓመድን ናብ ከባቢ ኣየር ማያዊ ጋዝ ምልቃቅ( ምትንፋስ ኣብ ተኽሊታት ማለት ዩ)
Trauma - መጉዳእቲ
Treatment - መድሃኒት(ምሕካም)
Managing in the application of medicines or other in order to relieve or cure an illness.
መድሓኒታት ብምግባር ወይ ብምሃብ ካብ ሕማሞም ምዕጋስ ወይ ምድሓን
Tremors - ምንቅጥቃጥ
Involuntary shaking of the body or limbs.
ዘይምእዘዝ ናይ ሰውነት ወይ መሓዉር ምንቅጥቃጥ
Trends - ትሬንድስ(ዝተለምደ)
Situations over a period of time.
ኩነታት ኣብ ዉስን ዝተለምደ ጊዜ
Triage - ምምማይ(ትሪያጅ)
Identifying the appropriate treatment according to the priority or severity of the symptoms.
ብመሰረት ክብደት ምልክታቶም ወይ ቅድሚያ ክኾኑ ዝግበኦም ፈሊኻ ግቡእ ሕክምና ክረኽቡ ምግባር
Trimester - ትሪይማሰተር
Three month period.
ኣብ ግዜ ፅንሲ ዘሎ ክፍፍል 3ተ ኣዋሪሕ
Trophoblast - ትሮፖቢላስት
In human fertilisation, it forms early embryo, fetal membranes and placenta after five to seven days.
ኣብ ናይ ወዲ ሰብ ፅግያት ኣብ መጀመርታ 5-7 መዓልትታት ዝፍጠር እምብሪዮ፡ ናይቲ ዝተፈጥረ ሸፋን(መምብሬን) መድሓንቲ ዝፈጥር
Tuberculosis - ዓባይ ሰዓል
A chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
ሕዱር ተመሓላላፋይ ሕማም ብማይኮ-ባክተሪየም ዝመፅእ ሕማም ዩ
Tumour - ሕበጥ ወይ ድማ ካንሰር
A lump of new cells growing in an inappropriate location.
ኣብ ዘየድሊ ቦታ(ሰዉነት ክፍሊ) ካብ ዕብየት(ምብፃሕ) ሓደሽቲ ዋህዮታት ዝፍጠር ሕበጥ ነገር
Turbidity - ምድፍራስ
Thick or dense.
ሪጉድ፡ ድፍሪስ ወይ ሕፍስ ዚበለ