Decontaminate - መሰርሒ ሕክምና ምፅራይ
Before and after the baby has been born, decontaminate (remove germs) from all instruments with a 0.5% chlorine solution. First, soak them for 10 minutes, then wash with a soapy solution and lastly with clean water. You can use a small brush to scrub them clean. After decontamination make the instruments ster
ቅድሚን ድሕሪ ወሊድን ዝተጠቀምካሎም መሳርሕታት ሕክምና ብ 0.5% ክሎሪን ንዕሰርተ ደቂቃ ምዝፍዛፍ ብድሕርኡ ድማ ብሳሙና ምሕፃብ ኣብ መጨሻ ድማ ብፁሩይ ማይ ምልቅላቅ:: ብብሩሽ ምቡራሽን ምምካንን::
Defaulter - ዘቃረፀ
An individual who fails to complete treatment within the maximally allowed period of time.
መሊኡ ዝተኣዘዘሉ መድሓኒት ክወስድ ዘይካኣለ:: ዘቃረፀ ማለት እዩ::
Dehydration - ፅምኣት ሰብነት
A condition in which the body loses more liquid than it takes in. This lack of water is especially dangerous in babies.
ወሕዲ ፈሳሲ ኣብ ሰብነት እንተጋጥም ብፍላይ ኣብ ህፃናት እንትርአ ብጣዕሚ ሓደገኛ እዩ::
Delousing - ባልዕ ሰብነት ካብ ሰብነት ምጥፋእ
The process of removing head lice parasites from human hair. These methods include chemical treatments, natural products, combs, shaving, hot-air and silicone based lotions.
ባልዕ ሰብነት ካብ ፀጉሪ ርእሲ ብመድሓኒት መበፀሪ ብምልፃይ ብሙቀትን ሰሊከን ሻምቦን ምውጋድ::
Dementia - ዘረስዕ ሕማም
This condition is more common in older people and is characterised by memory problems and broader problems with thinking and understanding.
ሕማም ምርሳዕ ኣብ አረጋውያን ብኣብዝሓ ይረአ:: ሕማም ምርሳዕ ዘለዎ ሰብ ንምሕሳብን ምርዳእን ብጣዕሚ ይሽገር ::
Demography - መፅናዕቲ ሰነ ህዝቢ
The scientific study of characteristics and dynamics pertaining to the human population. These characteristics include births, deaths, age, income, education and gender. Other relevant characteristics include occupation, family size, housing,
ሳይነሳዊ መፅናዕቲ ምንቅስቃስ (dynamics) ደቂ ሰባት ዲሞግራፊ ይበሃል:: እቲ መፅናዕቲ ድማ ውልደት ሞት ዕድመ እቶት ትምህርቲን ስነ ፆታ ይሓውስ :: ካልኦት መረዳእታት ከም ስራሕ መጠን ቤተ ሰብን መንበሪ ገዛን ውን ይሓውስ::
demonstration - ሰሪሕኻ ምርኣይ
In your work as a health educator you will often find yourself giving a demonstration. This form of health education is based on learning through observation.
ከም ብዛዕባ ጥዕና መምሃራይ በዓል ሞያ ስሪሕኻ ምርኣይ ኩሉ ጊዜ እትገብሮ ስራሕ እዩ:: ዲሞነስተሬሽን ሰርሕኻ እተርእየሉ ኣገባብ መምሃሪ ሜላ እዩ::
Deoxygenation - ካብ ሓደ ነገር ኦክስጅን ምፍላይ ምውፃእ
The process of removing oxygen from a reaction mixture or solvent.
ከይዲ ኦክስጅን ካብ ሓደ ነገር ምፍላይ እዩ
Depression - ተስፋ ምቁራፅ ድብርት
A mental illness characterised by low mood (sad mood). A state of excessive sadness or hopelessness.
ሕማም ስነ ኣእምር ኮይኑ ሰባት ብጣዕሚ ክሓዝኑ ውይ ድማ ሞራልም ክወርድ ከሎ እዩ :: ከምኡ ውን ተስፋ ምቁራፅ የካትት::
Descent - ቆልዓ እንትውለድ ኣብ ጎሎ ውሽጢ እናወረደ እንትኸይድ እንከሎ
The term fetal descent is used to describe the progressive downward movement of the fetal presenting part (commonly the head) through the pelvis.
ቆልዓ እንትውለድ ኣብ ጎሎ ውሽጢ እናወረደ እንትኸይድ እንከሎ
Desludging - እንካብ ሰብቲክ ታንክ ተርፍራፊ ምፍላይ
The process of removing sludge from the septic tanks.
ክይዲ ምውጋድ ዝቃጥ ካብ ሰብቲክ ታንክ
Deworming - ፀረ ሓሳኹት መደሓኒት ምሃብ
The process of giving an anthelmintic drug (wormer or dewormer) to get rid of parasites/worms.
ክይዲ ፀረ ሓሳኹት መድሓኒት ምሃብ ንምጥፋእ ፓራሳይት ተባሂሉ::
Diabetes - ሕማም ሽኰርያ
Persons with diabetes have too much sugar in their blood.
ሕማም ሽኮር ዘለዎም ሰባት ኣብ ደሞም ብዙሕ ሽኮር ኣለዎም::
Diagnosis - ሕማም ምንፃር
A statement of the nature of a disease or other condition made after observing its signs and symptoms.
እቲ ሕማም እነታይ ምኻኑ ምንፃር ድሕሪ ምልክታት እቲ ሕማም ምዕዛብ::
Diaphragm - ዲያፍራም ዝብሃል መከላኸሊ ጥንሲ
Contraceptive device of molded rubber or other soft plastic material fitted over the cervix to prevent entrance of spermatozoa.
ዲያፍራም ማለት ልስልስ ዝበለ ፕላስቲክ ኮይኑ ኣብ ኣፈት ማህፀን ኣብ ጊዜ ርክብ ግብረ ስጋ ብምቅማጥ ካብ ጥንሲ ንምክልኻል ይጠቅም::
Diarrhoea - ተቅማጥ
Diarrhoea is the passage of loose faeces (liquid stool) three or more times a day, or more than is normal for the individual. If the diarrhoea continues for less than 14 days, it is referred to as acute diarrhoea; if it lasts for more than 14 days it is said to be chronic or persistent diarrhoea.
ተቅማጥ ማለት ፈሳሲ ዝመስል ሰገራ እነከጋጥም ኮይኑ ኣብ መዓልቲ ድማ ሰለስተን ልዕለኡን ይመፅእ:: እቲ ተቅማጥ ትሕቲ 14 መዓልቲ እንድሕር ፀኒሑ ህፁፅ ውይ ድማ መፃደፊ ኢልና ንፅውዖ :: እንድሕር ደኣ ልዕሊ 14 መዓልቲ ፀኒሑ ሕድር ተቅማጥ ኢልና ንፅውዖ::
Diet - ስነ ምግቢ
Diet is the sequence and balance of meals in a day. It is concerned with the eating patterns of individuals or a group.
ስነ ምግቢ ማለት ኩነታት ኣመጋግባ ሰባት ይምልካት
Dignity - ክብሪ ወዲ ሰብ
To be treated with courtesy, consideration and attentiveness.
ንወዲ ሰብ ብዘድልዮ ምንግዲ ብጥንቃቀን ብሓልዮት ምሕካም
Disability - ጉድኣት ኣካል
Disability is present when a person has a health condition (in this case, mental illness) which impairs their day-to-day functioning in some way.
ሰባት ብምኽንያት ሕማም ኣካሎም ክጎድሉ ከለዉ እዚ ማለት ናይ ስነ ኣእምሮ ሕማም ወን የካትት እዩ :: ኣብ መዓልታዊ ስራሖም ውን ሳዕቤን ኣልዎ::
Discharge - ፈሳሲ ካብ ሰብነት ክወፅእ ከሎ
A release or flowing out of fluid, mucus, or pus.
ፍሳሲ ወይ መግሊ ወይ ውን ሙከስ ካብ ሰብነት ክወፅእ ወይ ክፈስስ ከሎ ::
Discharge - ሕሙም ምፍናው
When a person is allowed to leave. E.g. the patient was discharged from the hospital
ሕሙም ካብ ሆስፒታል ክስነ ወይ ሕክምናኡ ወዲኡ ክወፅእ ከሎ:
Discrepancy - ኣፈላላይ ምፍጣር
A discrepancy is a difference between what is reported and what is found.
ኣብ መንጎ ሪፖርት ዝተገብረን ኣብ ባይታ ብጭቡጥ ዘሎን ኣፈላላይ ክረአ እንከሎ::
Discrimination - ኣድልዎ
Unfair treatment of a person in which a characteristic, e.g. mental illness, marks the person out as different and leads to negative attitudes (prejudice) and behaviour (discrimination) from other people. This stigma increases the burden of illness further.
ንሳባት ኣብ ሕክምና ኣፈላልይ ክፍጠር ከሎ ብሰንኪ ዘለዎም ኩነታት :: ንኣብነት ናይ ስነ ኣእምሮ ጥዕና ችግር ዘለዎ ሰብ ብአግባቡ ከይተሓከመ ክተርፍ ከሎ:: ሰነት ኣድልዎ ክግበረሎም ከሎ ኩነታታ ጥዕናኦም ውን እናገደደ እዩ ዝኸይድ::
Disease - ሕማም
A disturbance in the normal functioning of the body and is used interchangeably with illness.
ሕማም ማለት ሰብነት ደቂ ሰባት ካብ ኖርማል ወፃኢ ክኸውን ከሎ እዩ::
Disinfection - ረኽሲ ዝመፅኡ ነገራት ምውጋድ
The procedure of killing most, but not all, infectious agents outside the body by direct exposure to chemicals. Adding chlorine is one method of disinfecting water.
ረኽሲ ዘምፅኡ ነገራት ብከሚካል ምቅታል ኩሎም ብሓንሳብ ግን ዘይክኸውን ይኽእል እዩ:: ንኣብነት ብክለሪን ተጠቂምካ ምይ ምሕካም ይካኣል እዩ::
Dissemination - መልእኽቲ ምዝርጋሕ ምስርጫው
Conveying or delivering the message to each audience at a variety of different places.
ንዝምልከቶ ሰብ መልእኽቲ ምብፃሕ
DMPA - ዲኤምፒአ
Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate, or Depo-Provera is an artificial progestin preparation which resembles the naturally occurring female hormone progesterone. It is used as a contraceptive.
ዲፖ ዝበሃል መከላኸሊ ጥንሲ
Dorsal - ዝባን ሕቆ
Of or on the back of an animal or plant.
ኣብ ዘባን ውይ ድማ ሕቆ
DST - ዲኤስቲ
Drug sensitivity testing (DST), performed in a reference laboratory. E.g. It is the only means by which resistance to anti-TB drug(s) can be confirmed. DST involves growing TB bacteria and treating the culture with one or more anti-TB drugs and seeing if the bacteria are killed or not.
ሓደ መድሓኒት ክንደይናይ ውፂኢታዊ ምኻኑ ንምርግጋፅ ኣብ ላቦራቶረይ ዝግበር መፅናዕቲ::ንኣብነት ሕማም ትቢ ክንደይናየ እዩ ንመድሓኒት ተለማሚዱ ዝብል ንምፍላጥ ብድራግ ሰንሲቲቪቲ መፅናዕቲ ጥራሕ እዩ ዝፍለጥ::
Duration - ግዘ
The time during which a thing continues.
ሓደ ነገር ዝፀንሓሉ ጊዜ
Dwelling - መንበሪ ገዛ
A house etc. to live in.
መንበሪ ገዛ
Dysentery - ደም ዝተሓወሶ ተቅማጥ
The word dysentery refers to diarrhoea containing blood and mucus. It is usually caused by an infection.
ደም ዝተሓወሶ ተቅማጥ ኮይኑ ብረኽሲ ዝመፅእ እዩ
Dysmenorrhea - ኣብ ጊዜ ፅግያት ዝረአ ቃንዛ
Pain during menstruation.
ኣብ ጊዜ ወረሓዊ ፅግያት ዝረአ ቃንዛ
Dyspnoea - ትንፋስ ምሕፃር
Shortness of breath or breathlessness.
እስትንፋስ ክሓፅረካ ከሎ
Dysuria - ኣብ ጊዜ ሽንቲ ምሻን ወይ ድማ ርክብ ግብረ ስጋ ዘረአ ቃንዛ
Pain on urination and pain during sexual intercourse.
ኣብ ጊዜ ሽንቲ ምሻን ወይ ድማ ርክብ ግብረ ስጋ ዘረአ ቃንዛ ማለት እዩ