Refer all cases of severe vaccine reactions urgently.

Mild local reactions (redness, pain and slight swelling at the injection site) and/or mild fever and irritability of the child may occur in one-third to one-half of the infants vaccinated with PCV10, but these reactions usually disappear within 24 hours. Manage these mild reactions as described earlier in Table 2.4 for pentavalent vaccine. Rare severe reactions to the vaccine include convulsions, severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), swollen lymph glands and encephalitis.

The contraindications for PCV10 are the same as for pentavalent vaccine: do not give PCV10 to an infant who comes to you with a high-grade fever, or who developed a severe vaccine reaction after a previous dose. However, you should vaccinate infants with PCV10 if they only have a mild illness, such as a common cold or low-grade fever.

Last modified: Thursday, 8 May 2014, 9:59 PM