Prevention and management of TB among PLHIV
- Isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT): IPT is given to HIV patients after investigation where there is no evidence of TB. It is given for six months; you are expected to follow those patients on IPT for adherence and possible side-effects.
- Cotrimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT): It is well-documented that administration of CPT decreases illness and deaths among HIV-infected TB patients. Cotrimoxazole is given for this category of patients and to all HIV-positive TB patients.
Sometimes TB drugs and ART can produce adverse reactions that may worsen or cause new infections. Patients should be advised to continue their medication and report any problems.
Treatment of TB in PLHIV: When patients with TB/HIV are treated with anti-TB drugs and ART, problems related to the medication regimen may result. This group of patients therefore needs frequent follow-up and support; you should be alert for possible side-effects and prepared for early intervention and referral.
Last modified: Friday, 6 June 2014, 5:29 PM