The Global STOP TB Strategy
The Global STOP TB Strategy was launched by WHO in 2006 to improve the achievements of the DOTS strategy (Figure 13.1). It comprises the following elements:
- Improve and scale-up DOTS so as to reach all patients, especially the poor.
- Address the problems of TB/HIV, drug resistant TB and other challenges.
- Contribute to health system strengthening by collaborating with other health programmes and general services, for example, in mobilising the necessary resources to make the health system work.
- Involve all public and private care-providers to increase case finding and ensure adherence to the International Standards for TB Care.
- Engage people with TB and affected communities to demand, and contribute to, effective care. This will involve scaling-up of TB control at community level by creating community awareness and mobilising local authorities and community members for action.
- Enable and promote research for the development of new drugs, diagnostic tools and vaccines.
The things that you can do in line with the Global STOP TB Strategy to reduce the problem of TB in your community, include educating the community members about TB, identifying community members with TB symptoms, making sure people know their HIV status, encouraging community members, active and ex-TB patients to participate in TB control activities, and finally persuading private health practitioners, including traditional healers to participate in TB control activities.
Last modified: Wednesday, 25 June 2014, 6:36 PM