In this section, we summarise the environmental control measures that will be most useful and appropriate in dealing with common mosquito breeding sites in Ethiopia.

Accumulations of water near roads

The construction of roads often leads to the creation of water collections that serve as vector breeding grounds. It often prevents natural drainage of the land and may result in the formation of large ponds alongside the roads.

Control measures include:

  • Construction of underground channels allowing streams to continue on their natural courses.
  • Use of larvicides (see Section 9.3).


Borrow-pits used to extract soil and stones for construction are very common in rural Ethiopia inside and outside villages. Older pits containing vegetation and freshly dug pits collecting rain water (Figure 9.7) can serve as very important vector breeding sites.

Dirty muddy water.
Figure 9.7 Ideal breeding ground for the mosquito vectors of malaria. (Photo: Dr Yemane Ye-ebiyo Yihdego)