Concentrate on what can be done and achieved in the time available for the event. Don't try to give out too much new information all at once, or people may feel overloaded and stop listening.

Remember, two-way communication is the best method! Participants should be encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences, and express their ideas and suggestions freely.

Support the active participation of women in particular, since they are the ones who should be encouraged to use antenatal care services. Some people are used to speaking up in groups, and others may be shy or afraid. Therefore, you should encourage those women who usually keep quiet to share their thoughts.

Make sure that everyone gets an equal chance to participate. For example, if a group of women wants to learn about what to eat during pregnancy and after birth, you can first ask each person to share what she knows. Many women will already know about a healthy diet from books or classes, from talking to other women, or from their own experience. But some women may be misinformed, for example about foods they think should be avoided in pregnancy, which are in fact good for pregnant women to eat, if they can afford to buy them (Figure 2.8).

Keep everyone involved

Figure 2.8 Health education events can reveal many different views, for example about a healthy diet during pregnancy.

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 October 2014, 10:10 AM