In this Study Session, you have learnt that:

  • A tumour or neoplasm occurs when abnormal cells form a mass (swelling) with in a tissue or within an organ. There are two main types of tumour: Malignant (cancerous) tumour and benign tumour.
  • Cancer is the name given to malignant or cancerous tumour. A cancerous tumour can grow rapidly and to metastasize or spread to other tissues or areas of the body through the cardiovascular or lymphatic systems. This uncontrolled growth and spread of cancer cells can eventually interfere with the functions of a person's vital organs and possibly lead to death.
  • Even though official data are not available, as it is suggested from hospital reports, cervical and breast cancer is the 1st and 2nd common cancers, respectively, causing morbidity and mortality in Ethiopia.
  • Screening refers to any method of examining an apparently healthy person to see if they have the early signs of a particular disease, which would benefit from having early treatment.
  • Risk factor refers to any condition, behaviour or factor that increase the occurrence of a health problem.
  • Old age, Cigarette smoking and chewing Tobacco or khat, Environmental factors ( radiation and certain viruses), Some industrial chemicals (e.g. Insecticides), Sedentary life (lack of exercise), Poor dietary habits (that leading to obesity), Excessive Alcohol consumption are among the factors increasing the risk of acquiring cancer.
  • Breast self-assessment and pap smear test are important for breast cancer and cervical cancer screening.
Last modified: Wednesday, 3 August 2016, 6:01 AM