The health and socio-economic conditions of an individual or a family are determined by their lifestyle. Most of the chronic non-communicable diseases are associated with the lifestyle (dietary habits, physical activity, and behavioural factors) that an individual or a family exercises. This is to say that; unhealthy or bad lifestyle could cause ill health or morbid state.

Obesity from poor dietary habits and poor physical activity, smoking and alcoholism from poor behavioural factors facilitates the development of chronic non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases (heart failure and hypertension), diabetes mellitus, cataract and chronic liver diseases. Therefore; educating the community about the benefits of healthy life style and the methods of early detection of some common non-communicable diseases has a significant advantage in the prevention and control of these chronic diseases.

This study session describes about the basic concepts on how people can adopt a healthy lifestyle to be healthy and improve their quality of life, and how some common chronic non-communicable diseases are detected early. This in turn helps you to conduct community education to enable the community to reduce their risk of contracting from NCDs.

Last modified: Sunday, 28 August 2016, 9:29 PM