Fever is a major manifestation of malaria and other acute infections in children. Malaria and fever contribute to high levels of malnutrition and mortality in Ethiopia. While fever can occur year-round, malaria is more prevalent after the end of the rainy season. In 2010, according to the World Health Organization, there were 216 million episodes of malaria and 655,000 deaths worldwide. Of these deaths around 91% were seen in the African Region, followed by the South-East Asian Region (6%), and the Eastern Mediterranean Region (3%). About 86% of deaths globally were in children.

In this study session you will learn how to identify and assess fever and which focused questions to ask so that you are able to classify the illness causing the fever. You will also learn how you treat the illness as effectively as possible and to support the mother in providing home care for her child.

Last modified: Monday, 8 August 2016, 6:44 PM