In this Study Session, you have learned:

  • How to assess and classify a cough or difficult breathing in infants and children under five years. You looked at how to treat the sick child when you need to refer a child urgently to the hospital, what follow-up care is required, and what advice on home for cough treatment to the mother or child's caregiver.
  • A cough or difficulty of breathing is common in children under five years of age. To assess and classify a cough or difficult breathing, the following steps are recommended:
    • Look for general danger signs.
    • Ask about the duration of a cough or difficult breathing.
    • Count the breathing rate in one minute.
    • Look for chest in-drawing.
    • Listen for stridor.
  • Based on the findings in the assessment, you should be able to classify the childs cough or difficult breathing. You will able to determine the treatment for pneumonia you should give, including referring the child with oral Cotrimoxazole or Amoxicillin urgently to a health centre or hospital if they have severe pneumonia or very severe disease.
Last modified: Thursday, 1 December 2016, 5:52 PM