In the study session 3 of this module, you have learnt about how to provide basic nutrition information / education to clients in your community about nutrition information and their nutritional status should be collected using nutritional assessment approaches / techniques ( anthropometric assessment, biochemical assessment, clinical assessment and dietary assessment) methods and by conducting community diagnosis.

You have also learnt the different strategies to prevent nutritional deficiency diseases in study session 4 and study session 5 on how to feed the various groups of people. As a tool or as a method of nutritional communication you came across conducting meeting, demonstration, mass media communication and peer education.

The response of the clients to the information/education provided to them should be monitored and evaluated so as to know the level of their understanding and nutritional practices. Finally you will learn the monitoring and evaluation methods of nutritional intervention.

Last modified: Thursday, 4 August 2016, 6:48 AM