The demonstration is a step-by-step procedure that is performed in front of a group of clients. It involves both theoretical teaching and of practical work, which makes it lively. It is used to show how to prepare and do something, like making complementary food for children. One of the main advantages of demonstrations is helping people learn new skills. The size of the group should be small to let members get the chance to practice. It is particularly useful when combined with a home visit. This allows people to work with familiar materials available in the locality.

As a health extension worker, one of your tasks during home visiting is to demonstrate how deferent foods are prepared for pregnant and lactating women as well as for elder infants and children. Therefore; it is mandatory to equip you with the required knowledge, skill and attitudes of demonstration.

Planning the demonstration

  • Identify the needs of the group to learn
  • Collect the necessary materials such as models and real objects or posters and photographs.
  • Make sure that it fits with the local culture. E.g.: for nutrition demonstration, you have to use the standard food items and local cooking methods.
  • Prepare adequate space so that everyone could see and practice the skill.
  • Choose the time that is convenient for everyone.


  • Introduction: Explain the ideas and skills that you are going to demonstrate and the need for it.
  • Do the demonstrations: Do one step at a time, slowly. Make sure everyone can see what you are doing. Give explanations as you go along.
  • Questions: Encourage discussion either during or at the end of the demonstration. Ask them to demonstrate back to you or to explain the steps.
  • Summarise: Review the necessary steps and key points briefly.

Checklist to evaluate a demonstration

a. Did the audience learn how to do what was demonstrated?.
b. What evidence was given that the audience plans to carry out this practice on their own?.Visit members of the audience to see if they are using the new methods demonstrated.
c. How could your demonstration be improved?.
Last modified: Wednesday, 31 August 2016, 3:21 AM