A meeting is an organised occasion when some people come together to discuss a problem and making decisions to solve problems. It is the gathering of a large number of individuals to discuss and recommends / undertake solutions for nutritional problems. Meetings are held to gather information, share ideas, take decisions, and make plans to solve problems.

As a health extension worker, you are expected to attend or conduct meetings to deliver nutritional information and messages, as they are one of the methods of nutritional communication. Therefore; you need to have a clear understanding of what a meeting is and how it is conducted and organised. To conduct meetings efficiently, they have to be planned, and the outcomes obtained from the meeting should be evaluated if the intended predetermined objectives are achieved or not. The following shows the planning and conducting steps of a meeting.

Planning a meeting:

  • It should be need-based.
  • Determine the time and place.
  • Announce the meeting through village criers, notice or using invitation latter.
  • Prepare relevantly and a limited number of agendas and health issues.

Conducting the meeting:

  • Should be led by a leader.
  • Encourage participation as much as possible.
  • Try to reach consensus based decisions.
  • Use some visual aids to clarify things.
  • Finally, get ready to take actions to solve problems.
  • Report documentation.
Last modified: Wednesday, 31 August 2016, 3:20 AM