The first hour is the best time for the mother and the newborn to be together.

Keep the baby warm

Newborn babies are at increased risk of getting extremely cold. The mother and the baby should be maintained skin-to-skin contact, covered with a clean, dry blanket. This should be done immediately after the birth.

Skin-to-skin contact will prevent the heat loss from the neonate and encourage the mother and the child bonding. The first hour is the best time for the mother and baby to be together, and they should not be separated. This time together will also help to start breastfeeding as early as possible as the smell of the milk may encourage early breastfeeding in the neonate.

Promoting early breastfeeding

The mother can initiate breastfeeding immediate after birth. Help the mother on first feeding make sure that the newborn is positioned, attached well to the breast and sucking.

The first milk from the breast is colostrums which critical as they consist full of protein and helps to protect the baby from infections (Figure 7.5). The advantages of breastfeeding are the following:

  • Makes the uterus contract i.e. facilitate removal of the placenta and prevent bleeding.
  • Help the neonate and mother to know each other.
  • It is nutritious for the newborn.
  • It comforts the mother and makes her feel better about her new baby.
  • Always available and cheap.
  • Sterile.
  • Facilitate breathing by clearing the airway for mucus and fluids.

Figure 7.5. Initiating immediate breastfeeding.
Last modified: Friday, 12 May 2017, 11:49 AM