In this Study Session, you have learned that:
  • The third stage labour is the time from the delivery of the baby to the expulsion of placenta and membrane.
  • Active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL) is the best intervention to reduce the risk of PPH. Therefore, AMTSL has to be applied routinely.
  • The physiological steps of the third stage of labour are separation, descent and expulsion of the placenta.
  • The sequential orders of AMTSL are checking for a second baby, administration of uterotonic drugs, controlled cord traction, uterine massage after delivery of the placenta, placental examination for completeness and examining the genital area for any lacerations.
  • The most common complications that can occur during the third stage of labour include retained placenta, postpartum haemorrhage and uterine inversion
  • Oxytocin and Misoprostol are commonly used uterotonic drugs.
Last modified: Saturday, 3 September 2016, 12:16 AM