In this Study Session, you have learned that:
  • The second stage of labour begins when the cervix is fully dilated and ends when the baby is delivered. Close attention, skilled care and prompt action are needed from you for a safe, clean birth.
  • The signs of the second stage include when the mother feels an urge to push, her external genitals or anus begin to bulge out during contractions, and she feels that the stool is coming.
  • Follow the mother's vital signs; the fetal heart beat every other contraction and the descent of the baby's head.
  • Watch for warning signs that the labour is not progressing sufficiently during the second stage and take appropriate action to refer the mother to a higher health institution.
  • Support the mother's pushing during the actual delivery time.
  • If the cord is trapped around the baby's neck and if it is not possible to remove, clamp the cord in two places and cut it in between.
  • Maintain cleanliness throughout the entire process of labour and delivery to prevent infection to the mother and baby and after completion of the delivery process the utilised instruments according to standard precautions.
  • Make the newborn warm and, keep the baby skin to skin. Initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible.
Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2016, 3:28 PM