In this Study Session, you have learned that:
  • Every woman is a unique individual and needs an individual care. So, you should assess what care she needs before going ahead and providing what you think is appropriate.
  • You should provide friendly care to a woman in labour. The care should consider her emotional, psychological and social well-being
  • There is various kind of care you could provide which includes physical, emotional and psychological care to help the mother cope with the pain of labour.
  • Some of the physical care you could provide includes, touching and massaging, helping the mother to manage her breath and contraction/pain, allow the mother to mobilise freely and assume any position of her preference, allow the mother to take enough energy drink and pass urine regularly.
  • You should also provide emotional and psychological support. This could be achieved by having a good communication and a supportive companion around.
Last modified: Friday, 2 September 2016, 10:31 PM