In this Study Session, you have learned that:
- Communication is the process by which people share ideas, experience, knowledge and feelings through the transmission of symbolic messages. Effective communication skill includes being warm/friendly, encouraging, giving relevant messages relevant, keeping messages simple and clear and repeat what you have said to know if they understand.
- Planning a communication activity with the community, supervisors, and other stakeholders are critical in avoiding a communication barrier affecting your immunisation coverage rate.
- Behaviour change communication is a type of communication aimed at bringing a positive health behaviour change in the community. Steps of behavioural change include pre-awareness, awareness, contemplation/Intention, trial/practice, adoption and maintenance/telling others.
- Negative rumours about immunisation in the community can affect your immunisation program and therefore it needs to be resolved with caution.
Last modified: Friday, 5 August 2016, 1:42 AM