III. Preventing HIV Transmission From HIV-Infected Women to Their Infants

Specific interventions to reduce HIV transmission from an infected woman to her child include initiation and maintenance of ART (specific combination to be taken once daily), safer childbirth practices, provision of ARV prophylaxis for the newborn (baby) and safer infant feeding practices. When an ART is given to the mother and ARV prophylaxis is given to the infant to prevent MTCT, it is referred as Option B+ PMTCT intervention.

Option B+ PMTCT intervention is PMTCT efforts that have been directed primarily toward identifying HIV-infected pregnant women through counselling and testing and providing them with ART both for prevention of MTCT and maternal wellbeing irrespective of the stages of AIDS or her CD4 status.Here, the mother who started ART at pregnancy will continue for life, which benefits her and her baby.

The benefits of initiating and continuing ART for HIV+ women are the following:

  • Prolongs life and improves health and quality of life.
  • Maintains family (household) integrity.
  • Reduces the number of orphans and vulnerable children.
  • Reduces MTCT of HIV.
  • Encourages people to accept HTC.
  • Reduces stigma and discrimination.
  • Minimizes health care expenditures.
  • Improves productivity.
Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 4:23 PM