It may be difficult to find the position of the baby before the 6th or the 7th month of gestation, and it is not important until 36 weeks (eight months) because it is normal for the baby to move around until the final month. Starting from the six and seven months, it will be easier to feel the baby and find its position in the uterus.

To examine the mother's abdomen, let her lie on her back with support under her knees and head. Make sure she is comfortable. The purpose of examining the mother's abdomen to ensure the foetal position and heartbeat.

These are the questions you need to answer:

  • Is the baby vertical (up and down)? (vertical lie).
  • Is baby lying sideways across mother's belly? (transverse lie).
  • Is the baby facing the mother's front or back?.
  • Is the baby head down (cephalic presentation) or bottom-down (breech presentation).

There are four manoeuvres of the abdominal palpation (see figure below):

a) Fundal palpation.
b) Lateral palpation.
c) Deep pelvic palpation.
d) Paulick's Grip.

Figure 11.0 The four manoeuvres of abdominal examination
Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 4:17 PM