In this Study Session, you have learnt that:

  • Substance abuse is to mean the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances which include the use of alcohol, khat, cigarette and tobacco, and cannabis.
  • Young people were particularly vulnerable to engage into substance abuse practices as a result of peer pressure, high-risk taking behaviour, lack of awareness of the negative consequences, migration from rural to urban areas, and experimentation.
  • The effect of substance abuse on human life is of multidimensional including health effects. The major health effects of drug abuse include cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, liver disease and cancer, infertility, brain damage and mental retardation in newborns, depression, gastric irritation, constipation, and cognitive impairment.
  • The role of the health extension worker is increasing community awareness through the provision of sustained health education especially by involving the youth themselves.
  • Social consequences of substance abuse in youth encompass distance from friends, misbehaviour with others, decreased social status, social isolation, constant borrowing and inability to return borrowed money, fight, quarrels and theft.
Last modified: Thursday, 11 August 2016, 4:40 PM