Alemitua 24 years old married woman who is a mother of three years old child which she delivered at a health centre, today came to your health post. She reported to you that, her baby was exclusively breastfed up to two years of his life. In her health history, she explained that she regularly experienced her menses for the last one year and she was not using contraceptives. Recently, she noticed that she missed her menstruation the past eight weeks. Among the changes she felt in her body during this time (from the last menstrual period) are morning sickness (nausea) and fatigue (tiredness) than usual.

Regarding her health history with her first child, she had prolonged labour (12 hours) and the baby weighed 3 kilogrammes. She also remembers having a little-elevated blood pressure and was told that she had some abnormal finding in her urine which she was not clear to her. Due to these problems, she was on iron therapy and under observation until delivery at the health centre. She can't tell the reason for the iron. But she said thanks God, she delivered her baby safely and healthy.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 4:07 PM