The menstrual cycle (also termed a female reproductive cycle) can be defined as periodic uterine bleeding in response to cyclic hormonal changes or a series of changes that occur on the ovary, uterus, and cervix in response to hormonal changes.

The average age at which menarche (the first menstrual period) occurs is at the mean age of 12.8 years. This may occur as early as age 9 or as late as 17 years age. The purpose of a menstrual cycle is to bring an ovum to maturity and renew a uterine tissue bed that will be responsive to the growth of the fertilised egg. The average onset of menstrual cycles is 21 to 35 days. The accepted average length is 28 days.

The length of the average menstrual flow is 1-9 with an average length of 5 days. The amount of flow is from spotting to 80 ml of blood on average. Some women have symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, abdominal bloating, headache, appetite disturbance, irritability and depression in the pre-menstrual period. Some women may experience abdominal pain during ovulation and the release of the accompanying prostaglandins. Some even notice irritation when a drop or two of follicular fluid or blood spills into the abdominal cavity.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2017, 4:05 PM