Both the female and male reproductive organs are responsible for replicating their own species although the mechanisms differ.

In the case of humans, the female reproductive system produces the egg (the ova), secrets sex hormones, receive male spermatozoa for fertilisation of the eggs, protect and nourishes the zygote until fully developed to be expelled from the uterus through the birth canal.

Hence, this Session deals with the anatomy and physiology of the human female reproductive organs, mandatory to understand and handle antenatal, labor and delivery cases. The main focus would be on the bony structures of the female pelvis which supports the major load of the pregnant uterus and which has to accommodate the fetal skull to pass through during childbirth. Here, the shape of the female pelvis and the presentation of the fetal skull are very important in determining the outcome of labour and delivery.

Last modified: Friday, 26 August 2016, 4:58 AM