PAB - ፓፕ

Percentage of children protected at birth (PAB) from neonatal tetanus, because their mother received a valid dose of TT2+ vaccination at least two weeks before delivery.

ንወሊድ ክልተ ሰሙን ክሳብ ዝተርፎ እታ ኣደ ክልተ ግዜን ልዕለኡን ቲቲ ቫክሲን እንድሕር ዳኣ ተኸቲባ እቲ ዝውለድ ህፃን ካብ ብሰንኪ ቴታነስ ዝመፅእ ሕማም ውሕስ እዩ፡፡

Pacifiers - ካብ ፕላስቲክ ዝተሰርሐ ጥጦ

A rubber or plastic device, often shaped into a nipple, for a baby to suck or bite on. Also known as dummies.

ቆልዓ ክጦብዮ ተባሂሉ ካብ ፕላስቲክ ዝስራሕ ጥጦ

Palatable - ክተበልዖ ጣዕሚ ወይ መቀረት ዘለዎ (ተበላዒ)

Acceptable or agreeable to the palate or taste. Food should also be palatable or tasty and good to eat.

ክተበልዓ ጣዕሚ ወይ መቀረት ዘለዎ ምግቢ ንኽትበልዖ ጥዑም ወይ ድማ ምቁር ክኸውን ኣለዎ

Palate - ትንሓግ

The roof or top part of the mouth.

ትንሓግ ናይ ኣፍ ላዕለዋይ ኣካል ማልት እዩ

Pallor - ፓለር ማለት ምፅዕዳው ወይ ድማ ምብራዕ ማልት እዩ

Unusual or extreme paleness.

ፓለር ማለት ምፅዕዳው ወይ ድማ ምብራዕ ማልት እዩ

Palpation - ስውነት ምድህሳስ

To examine by touch, especially for the purpose of diagnosing disease or illness.

ዝሓመመ ኣካል ስውነት ንምፍላጥ ዝግበር ምድህሳስ ኣካል እዩ

Papules - ፓፑል ውይ ድማ ኩርብጥ ዝበለ ቆርበት

Raised skin lesions.

ፓፑል ውይ ድማ ኩርብጥ ዝበለ ቆርበት

Paralysis - ምልማስ

Loss of the ability to move part or all of the body.

ምልማስ ማለት፡ ኣከል ወዲ ሰብ ሙሉእ ወይ ድማ ክፋል ምንቅስቃስ ክኣቢ ከሎ

Parasites - ፅግዕተኛ/ ፓራሳይት

Worms and tiny animals that live in our on another animal or person and cause harm. Fleas, intestinal worms, and amoebas are parasites.

ፓራሳይት ማልት ሓሳኹት ወይ ድማ ኣናእሽቶን እንስሳታት ኮይኖም ኣብ ሰባት ወይ ድማ እንስሳታት ዝነብሩ ኮይኖም ሓደጋ ወይ ሕማም ዘምፅኡ እዮም

Parasitological - ፓራሳይቶሎጂካል

Parasitological or parasite-based diagnosis is a process using specific tests to identify the presence of parasites or of its products in the blood.

ፓራሳይት ወይ ድማ ናታቶም ቅሪት ኣካል ብላቦራቶረይ ምፍላይ ወይ ድማ ምፍላጥ ማልት እዩ

Parenteral - ብመርፍእ ዝወሃብ

Not by mouth but by injection.

ብመርፍእ ዝወሃብ መድሓኒት

Partograph - ፓርቶግራፍ

A chart used to assess the progress of labour, and of fetal and maternal condition during labour. It is the best tool to help you detect whether labour is progressing normally or abnormally.

ከይዲ (ምዕባል) ሕርሲን ኩነታት ኣደን ህፃንን ንምክትታል እንጥቀመሉ ቻርት እዩ፡፡

Pasteurisation - ፓስተራይዘሽን

Pasteurisation is a process of heat treatment of milk, beer and some other beverages to a certain temperature (60°C) for about 30 minutes in order to kill harmful bacteria.

ፓስተራይዘሽን ማለት ከይዲ ምማቅ ወይ ድማ ምፍላሕ ፀባ ቢራ ካልኦት ነገራትን ኮይኑ እዚ ዝግበረሉ ዋና ምኽንያት ድማ ጎዳእቲ ዝኾኑ ባክተርያታት ንምቅታል እዩ፡፡ ዝፈልሓሉ መጠን ሙቀት ድማ ክሳብ 60 ድግሪ ሰንቲግሬድ ኮይኑ ነስታት 30 ደቂቃ እዩ

Pathogenic - ፓቶጀኒክ

Disease-causing E.g. pathogenic viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasites.

ሕማም ዘምፅኡ ተህዋስያን ንኣብነት ከም ቫይረስ ባክተረያን ፅግዕተኛ ተህዋስያንን

Pathogens - ፓቶጅንስ

Disease causing organisms.

ሕማም ዘምፅኡ ተህዋስያን

PCV10 - ፒሲቪ 10

The vaccine that is being introduced in Ethiopia as part of the EPI is called PCV10, also known by its brand name Synflorix. PCV10 is highly effective at preventing infections caused by the strains of Streptococcus pneumonia.

ብስትረፕቶኮኮስ ንሞንያ ዝመፅእ ሕማም ንምክልኻል ዝጠቅም ክታበት

Pelvis - ዓፅሚ ጎሎ

Hip bones.

ዓፅሚ ጎሎ

Percentage - ሚኢታዊ

A rate or proportion, per 100.

ካብ ሚኢቲ ወይ ድማ ሚኢታዊ

Perception - ኣረዳድኣ

The act of becoming aware of, noticing.

ኩነታት ንምርዳእ ዝገበር ዝግበር ፃዕሪ

Percolation - ምዛላቅ

The slow movement of water through the pores in soil or permeable rock.

ማይ ቀስ ኢሉ ኣብ ሓመድ ወይ ድማ ማይ ዘመሓላልፍ ነገር ቀስ ኢሉ ክዞርቅ ከሎ

Performing - ስራሕ ምስራሕ ወይ ድማ ምውጋን

To carry out, to act.

ስራሕ ምስራሕ ወይ ድማ ምውጋን

Peritoneum - ረቒቕ መሸፈኒ ከሽዐ

The thin lining between the guts and body wall. The bag that holds the guts.

ረቒቕ መሸፈኒ ከሽዐ ኣብ ሞነጎ ውሽጣዊ ከሽዕን ላዕለዋይ ሽፋን ከብዲ ዝርከብ:: ንውሽጣዊ ኣካላት ከሽዐ ዝሕዝ ከረጢት፡፡

Peritonitis - ረኽሲ ረቒቕ መሸፈኒ ከሽዐ

A very dangerous inflammation of the peritoneum. The belly gets hard like a board, and the person is in great pain, especially when he tries to lie with his legs straight.

ከምዚ ዓይነት ሕማም ዘለዎ ሰብ ከብዱ ከም ኩዕሶ ይጥንክር፣ብፍላይ ድማ እግሩ ዘርጊሑ ንምድቃስ እንትፍትን ብርቱዕ ቃንዛ ክበዲ ይህሎዎ

pH - ፐኤች

A measure of how acidic or alkaline an environment is, on a scale of 0 to 14, where less than 7 represents acidity, 7 neutrality, and more than 7 alkalinity.

ናይ ኣሲድ ወይ ኣላካላይ መ ዕቀኒ ኢዩ፡፡ እቲ መዕቀኒ እውን ካብ ዜሮ ክሳብ 14 ዓቀን እንትህልዎ፤ ትሕቲ 7 ናይ ኣሲድ ባህርይ እንተመላኽት 7 ማንከላይ ካምኡውን ልዕሊ 7 ኣልካላይን ባህርይ የመላኽት::

Pharyngitis - ፋረንጃይትስ

Pharyngitis generally begins with the sudden onset of fever (temperature above 37.5°C), and a sore throat, with redness and swelling of the tonsils at the back of the throat.

ብሓፈሻ ሕማም ፋረንጃይትሰ ልእሊ 37.5 ዲግሪ ሴንቲ ግሬድ ሃነደበታዊ ረሰኒ ፣ቁሰለት ጎሮሮ፣ምቕያሕን ምሕባጥ ብዲሕሪ ጎሮሮ ዝርከብ ቶንሲል ምልክታት ሕማም ምርኣይ ይጅምር ፡፡

Physiology - ፊዝዮሎጂ

The study of the bodily functions of living organisms and their parts.

ፊዝዮሎጂ ስራሕቲ ኣካላት ህይወት ዘለዎም ነገራት ዘፅንዕ ሳይነስ ኢዩ፡፡

PID - ረኽሲ ውሽጣዊ ኣካላት ጎሎ/ፒኣይዲ/

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), is an inflammation of the uterus and fallopian tubes due to bacterial infection or other pathogens.

ረክሲ ውሽጣዊ ኣካላት ጎሎ/ፒኣይዲ/ ብሰንኪ ብባክተርያን ካለኦት ታህዋስያንን ዝመፅእ ረኽሲ ማህፀንን ሻምባቆ ማህፅን ኢዩ፡፡

PITC - ብተበግሶ ዝልጠነ ጥዕና ብዓል ሞያ ዝግበር ናይ ኤችኣቪ/ኤድስ ምኽርን ምርመራን/ፒትክ/

Provider-initiated HIV testing and counselling (PITC). This means that when trained to do so, you should offer and provide HIV testing and counselling yourself.

ብተበግሶ ዝልጠነ ጥዕና ብዓል ሞያ ዝግበር ናይ ኤችኣቪ/ኤድስ ምኽርን ምርመራን::

Placenta - መዳሕንቲ

The placenta is a temporary organ required for the development of the embryo and fetus. It allows for the exchange of nutrients and oxygen from mother to fetus, and the transfer of fetal waste products back to the mother for disposal by her organs. The placenta normally comes out 15 minutes to half an hour after the baby is born.

ኣብ እዋን ጥንሲ ዝፍጠር ኣካል ማህፀን ኮይኑ ዕሸል ኣብ ውሽጢ ማህፀን ብግቡእ ንኽዓቢ ይጠቅም፡፡ስነ-መኣዛን ኦክስጅንን ካብ አዶ ናብ ዕሸል የተሓላልልፍ ከምኡውን ካብ ዕሸል ዝወፅእ የድሊዩ ነገራት ናብ ኣዶ ይመልስ፡፡ መዳሕንቲ ኣብ እዋን ዕንቡር ወሊድ ኣብ ውሽጢ 15 ደቓይቕ ካብ ማህፀን ተፈልዩ ንደገ ይወፅእ፡፡

Placenta previa - መዳሕንቲ ኣብ ኣፍ ማህፀን እንትቕመጥ

A condition in which the placenta is too low in the womb and blocks the mouth of the womb. The risk of dangerous bleeding is high. Women who have bleeding late in pregnancy- a possible sign of placenta previa- should go to hospital at once.

መዳሕንቲ ንታሕቲ ወሪዱ ኣፍደገ ማህፀን ይዓፅው፡፡ አዙይ ዓይነት ኣቀማምጣ ማዳሕንቲ ንመድመይቲ ኣዚዩ ዝተጋለፀ ኢዩ፡፡ መድምይቲውን ኣብዝሓ ግዘ ኣብ መወዳዕታ እዋን ጥንሲ ይኽሰት፡፡አዙይ ዓይነት ምልክት ዘለዋ ኣዶ ግዘ ከይሃብካ ንሆሰፒታል ምልኣኽ፡፡

Planning - ምትላም

Planning is an important skill for Health Extension Practitioners because it is a key management function for all health workers and health managers. Planning is the process of determining in advance what should be accomplished and when, by whom, how and at what cost.

ምትላም ማለት ንቐፃሊ ዝስርሑ ስራሕቲ ብመን መኣዝ ብኸመይ ከምኡውን ንመፈፀሚ ዘድሊ በጀት ኣቀዲምካ ምውፃእ ኢዩ፡፡ምትላም ኣገዳሲ ክህሎት ጥሙር ጥዕና ሰራሕተኛታት ኢዩ፡፡ ምኽንያቱ ትልሚ ምትላም ቁልፊ ስራሕቲ ኩሎም ሰብ ሞያ ጥዕናን ሓለፍትን ስለዝኾነ፡፡

Plasmodium - ፕላሰሞዱይም

Malaria is an infection of the red blood cells caused by a parasite called plasmodium that is carried by certain kinds of mosquitoes.

ሕማም ዓሶ ረኽሲ ቀይሕ ደም እንትኸውን ብምኽንያት ፕላስሞዱይም ዝተብሃለ ታህዋስያን ይመፅእ፡፡ ኣዚ ታህዋስያን ብጣንጡ ኣቢሉ ካብ ሕሙም ሰብ ናብ ጥዑይ ሰብ ይመሓላለፍ፡፡

Platelets - ፕላትሌት

Blood is a fluid comprising red blood cells, several types of white blood cells and small fragments of blood cells called platelets, which are involved in the blood clotting process.

ደም ፈሳሲ ነገር ኮይኑ ዋህዮ ቀይሕ ደም፣ ብዙሓት ዓይነት ዋሕዮታት ፃዕዳ ደምን ፕላትልተስን ይሕዝ፡፡ፕላትልተስ ድማ ኣብ ደም ምርጋእ ስራሕቲ ይዋስኡ፡፡

PLHIV - ምስ ኤች ኣይ ቪ / ኤድስ ዝነብሩ ወገናት/ሰባት/

People living with HIV. PLHIV refers to everyone who is infected with the HIV virus.

ምስ ኤች ኣይ ቪ / ኤድስ ዝነብሩ ወገናት/ሰባት/

Pneumonia - ወቕዒ ወይ ድማ ረኽሲ ሳንባ /ኒሞንያ/

Lower respiratory tract infection that mainly affects the lungs. Pneumonia requires antibiotics for treatment.

ኒሞንያ ረኽሲ ታሕተዋይ ስርዓተ ምስትንፋስ እንትኸውን ብፍላይ ድማ ንሳንባ የጥቅዕ፡፡ እዙይ ዓይነት ሕማም ብኣንቲባዮቲክሰ ይሕከም፡፡

Podoconiosis - ፖዶንኮነሲስ

A reaction in the body to very small soil particles that have passed through the skin of the feet. The swelling begins in the feet.

ብሰንኪ ብቆርበት ናይ እግሪ ኣቢሉ ናብ ሰብነት ዝአትው ደቂቕ ሓመድ ዝፍጠር ግጭት ወይ ቀጠዐ ዝመፅእ ሕበጥ እግሪ ኢዩ፡፡

Polio - ለምሲ ወይ ድማ ሕማም ፖልዮ

Poliomyelitis (Polio). A viral disease that causes paralysis (weakness or inability to use the muscles) of the legs, arms or hands. Polio is caused by three types of viruses, namely, poliovirus types 1, 2 or 3.

ሕማም ኣልምሲ/ለምሲ/ ብሰንኪ ቫይረስ ዝመፅእ ምልማስ ( ምድካም ወይ ጭዋዳ ብዝግባዕ ክትጥቀመሉ ዘይምክኣል) ኣእጋርን ኣእዳውን ኢዩ፡፡.ለምሲ በሰለስተ ዓይነት ቫይረስ ይመፅእ ንሳቶምውን ፖለዮ ቫይረስ ታይፕ 1፣2፣3 ይበሃሉ፡፡

Pollutant - ብከሊ ነገር /ፖሉታነት;

A contaminant which, due to its properties or amount or concentration, causes harm to human health, animals, plants and the wider environment.

በከልቲ ነገራት ብባህርኦም ወይብ በዝሖም ወይ ብዓቐኖም መጠን ንጥዕና ደቂ ሰባትን እንስሳታትን ተኽልታትን ከምኡውን ከባቢ ይጎድኡ፡፡

Polygamy - ብዙሓት ኣንስቲ ዘለውኦ

A form of marriage in which a person marries more than one spouse.

ሓደ ሰብ ካብ ሓቲ ንልዕሊ ኣንሰቲ እንትህውኦ /ምስ ብዙሓት ሓዳር እንትምስርት/

Polyhydramnios - ፖሊሃይድራምንዮስ

A condition in which the pregnant woman has too much amniotic fluid. If the abdomen is either too big or too small, refer the mother to a health facility.

ነብሰፆር ኣዶ ኣብ እዋን ጥንሲ ብብዝሒ ፍሳሲ መሕምበሲ ዕሸል ኣብ ማህፀና እንትህልው፡፡ ኣብ ኣዋን ጥንሲ ከብዲ ኣዶ ካብ ንቡር ንላዕሊ እንተዓቢ ወይ እንትንእስ ናብ ዝሕሸ ሕክምና ምልኣኽ ይድሊ፡፡

Post-adolescence - መናእሰይ

Young persons aged 20-24 years.

ካብ 20-24 ዝዕድሚኦም መናእሰይ

Posterior - ድሕሪት

Behind, at the back of.


Potency - ፍቱንነት

Strength or effectiveness E.g. of a vaccine.

ፍቱንነት-- ኣብነት ናይ ክታበት መድሓኒት፡፡

PPH - መድመይቲ ድሕሪ ወሊድ

Postpartum haemorrhage (or PPH) is defined as excessive bleeding from the reproductive tract at any time following the baby's birth and up to six weeks after delivery.

ህፃን ካብ ዝተወለደሉ ክሳብ 6 ሰሙን ኣብ ዘሎ ግዘ ብበዝሒ መድመይቲ ካብ ማህፀን እንትህልው፡፡

Pre-eclampsia - ፕሪ-ኢክላምሰያ

Pre-eclampsia is the commonest type of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. It usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy (after 20 weeks of gestation, but most commonly after 28 weeks).

ብሰንኪ ጥንሲ ዝለዓል ፅቅጢ ደም ብኣብዝሓ ኣብ ካለኣይ መፋርቕ ጥንሲ / ብድሕሪ 20 ሰሙን ዝርኣ ከኮይኑ ብኣዝሓ ግና ድሕሪ 28 ሰሙን ይኽሰት፡፡

Pre-testing - ቅድመ ፈተነ

In health education, pre-testing is testing the message with representatives of your target audience before the message is disseminated to a wider audience.

መልእኽቲ ናብ ዝተደለየ ኣካል ብሰፊሑ ቅድሚ ምትሕልላፉ (ምብታኑ) እቲ ዝድለ መልእኽቲ ኣብ ዝተወሰኑ ሰባት ቅድመ ፈተነ ምክያድ/ምግባር፡፡

Precipitation - በረድ ዝሓወሰ ማይ ንመሬት እንትዘንብ/አትወቅዕ/

Water falling from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface; mostly this means rain, although it also includes snow.

በረድ ዝሓወሰ ማይ ናብ መሬት እንተዘንብ/አተወቅዕ/

Prejudice - ዘይቅኑዕ ኣመለኻኽታ/ኣረኣእያ/

Negative attitudes from other people. An unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand without knowledge, thought or reason.

እኹል ፍለጠት፣ መረዳእታን ምኽንያት ዘይብሉ ዘይቅኑዕ ሓሳብ፣ ስምዒትን ኣማለኻኽታን ኣብ ካልኦት ሰባት እትህልወካ፡፡

Prevalence - ፕሪቫለንስ ወይ ድማ ዝርገሐ ሕማም

The condition of being prevalent or widespread. E.g. The total number of cases of a particular disease or health condition existing in a population at a certain point in time.

ኣብ ሓደ ግዘ /እዋን/ ኣብ ሓደ ኣብ ዝነብሩ ህዝቢ በዝሒ ብሓደ ዓይነት ሕማ ም ዝሓመሙ መዕቀኒ

Prevention - ቅድሚ ምሕማም ምክልኻል

Action taken to stop sickness before it starts.

ቅድሚ ምሕማም ምክልኻል

Primacy - መጀመርታ

Primacy, the state of being first, often creates a strong impression which may be very difficult to change. Things learned first create a strong impression in the mind that is difficult to erase. 'Unteaching' or erasing from the mind incorrect first impressions is harder than teaching them correctly.

መጀመርታ ዝተመሃረካዮን/ አብ ኣእምሮኻ ዘተትሓዘ/ ዘተቐረፀ ንክትድምስሶ ወይ ንኽትቅይሮ ከቢድ ኢዩ፡፡

Primigravida - ቦካር

First pregnancy.

ፈላማይ ጥንሲ

Prioritisation - ቅደም ሰዓብ

The process of arranging the problems/activities/tasks in order of the urgency in which they need to be addressed. It is impossible to solve all problems at once because there are many resource constraints.

ፀገማት/ንጥፈታት/ ስራሕቲ ንምፈታሕ ወይ ንምፍፃም ብደረጃ ኣድላይነቶም ብቅደም ሰዓብ ምቕማጥ፡፡ ብሰንኪ ሕፅረት ሃፍቲ (ገንዝብ ፣ሓይሊ ሰብን ካልኦት ንዋያትን) ኩሎም ፀገማት ብሓደ ግዘ ምፍታሕ ኣይከኣልን፡፡

Privacy - ብሕታውነት(ምኽዋል)

The state of being apart from other people, free from unwanted disturbance. E.g. It is important to have a private environment during counselling and services.

ካብ ካልኦት ሰባት ብምርሓቕ(ብምኽዋል) ካብ ዘየድሊ ምረባሽ ናፃ ምግባር፡፡ ኣብ እዋን ምኽሪ ግልጋሎት ተገልጋላይ ንበይኑ ጌርካ ግልገሎት ምሃብ ኣገዳሲ ኢዩ፡፡

Progesterone - ፕሮጀስትሮን

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary; its function is to prepare the endometrium (lining of the uterus) for the reception and development of the embryo.

ፕሮጀስትሮን ኣብ እንቋቁሖ ጓል ተነስተይቲ ካብ ዝርከብ ኮርፑስ ሉትዩም ዘዳለው ሆርሞን ኢዩ፡፡ ስርሑ ድማ ኣብ ማህፅን ዝርከብ ኢንዶመትሪዩም ብምድላው ድቂ ክቕበልን ክዓቢን ይገብር፡፡

Progress - ምዕበለታት

A movement towards a goal.

ንሽቶ ንምብፃሕ ዝግበር ምንቅስቓሳት

Prolapse - ካብ ንቡር ቦታ ምውፃእ

Pushing out of the proper place'. The slipping or falling down of a part of the body from its normal position; for example, a prolapsed rectum or womb.

ካብ ንቡር ኣቀማምጥኡ ሶሊኹ/ተንሸራቲቱ/ሞሊቑ ንታሕቲ እንትወፅእ፡፡ ኣብንት ፊንጢጣ ወይ ማህፅን ኣደ

Promotion - ምልዕዓል/ምብርባር/ ምብልፃግ

Health promotion includes health education/counselling and health service dissemination.

ናይ ጥዕና ምብርባር/ምልዕዓል/ ጥዕናዊ ኣስተምህሮ/ ምኽሪ ግግሎትን ምዝርጋሕ ግለጋሎት ጥዕናን የካትት፡፡

Prophylaxis - ኣቐዲምካ ዝወሃብ መከላኸሊ መድሓኒት

Treatment aimed at prevention.

ሰብ ቕድሚ ምሕማሙ ኣቐዲምካ ዝወሃብ መከላኸሊ መድሓኒት::

Proportion - መጠን ወይ ድማ ክፋል

A proportion, sometimes called relative frequency, is simply the number of times the observation occurs in the data, divided by the total number of responses. Proportions are very often converted to percentage values because this makes comparison easier between different sets of data.

ረላቲቨ ፍረኰንሲ ይበሃል

Prostitution - ነብስኻ ሸጥካ ምሕዳር

Commercial sex work.

ነብስኻ ሸጥካ ምሕዳር

Proteins - ፕሮቲን

Proteins are needed in our diets for growth (especially important for children, teens and pregnant women) and to improve immune functions. They also play an important role in making essential hormones and enzymes, in tissue repair, and preserving lean muscle mass. E.g. meat, fish, nuts, egg yolk and soya products.

ንዕብየት ሰብትትን ንናይ ስብነት መከላኸሊ ሓይሊ ስራሕቲ ንምምሕሽ ኣብ እንምገቦም ምግብታት ፕሮቲን ምህላው አድላዪ ኢዩ ፡፡ ኣገደስቲ ዝኾኑ ሆረሞናትን ኢነዛይማትን ኣብ ምሰራሕ፣ ኣብ ምፅጋን ስብነትን ምዕቃብ ጭዋዳታትን ዓቢዪ ግደ ይፃወት::

Proteinuria - ፕሮቲን ዘተሓወሶ ሽንቲ

The appearance of protein in the woman's urine. It is a danger sign.

ፕሮቲን ኣብ ሽንቲ ጓል ኣነስተይቲ አንትርአ ማለት ኢዩ፡፡ ከምኡውን እዙይ ሓደገኛ ምልክት ኢዩ፡፡

Protozoa - ፕሮቶዝዋ

Micro-organisms made up of one cell; for example, Plasmodium falciparum. Bacteria are also micro-organisms made up of one cell.

ካብ ሓደ ዋህዮ ዝተሰርሑ ደቀቕቲ ታህዋስያን ኢዮም፡፡ ኣብነት ፕላስሞድይም ፋለሲፓሩም፡፡ ካምኡውን ባከትሪ ካብ ዋህዮ ዝተሰርሑ ታህዋስያን አዮም፡፡

Psychosis - ሳይኮሲስ ወይ ናይ ስነ ልቦና ሕማም

Confusion. Psychosis involves loss of contact with reality, usually with false beliefs about what is taking place or one's own identity (delusions), and seeing or hearing things that aren't there, and have disturbed behaviour.

ምንድነጋርን ሃደ ሰብ ካብሓቂ ዝኾኙ ነገራት እንትርሕቕ መብዛሕቲኡ ግዘ ትኽኽልል ዘይኮኑ ነገራት ክም ሓቂ ጌርካ ምውሳድ ብትወሳኺውን ኣብ ከባቢ ዜየሎ ነገር ምርኣይ ዘየሎ ድምፂ ምስማዕን ረቡሽሀ ባህርይ ምህላውን፡፡

PTB - ዓባይ ሰዓል( ናይ ሳንባ ቲቢ)

Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) that affects the lungs (80% of TB cases are of this type).

ሕማም ዓባይ ሰዓል ንሳንባ የጥቅዕ፡፡ 80% ሕሙማት ቲቢ ብሳንባ ቲቢ ዝጥቕዑ ኢዮም፡፡

Puberty - ጉርምስና/ ምጉርማስ/ምብፃሕ

The time in which sexual and physical characteristics mature. The exact age a child enters puberty depends on a number of different things, such as genes, nutrition and sex. Most girls and boys enter puberty between 10-16 years of age although some start earlier or later.

ወዲ ሰብ ብኣካላውን ስነ ፆታውን ባህርይ ዝበቕዓሉ ግዘ ኢዩ ፡፡ ቆልዑት ብትክልል ናብ ጉርምስ(ባፅሕ) ዝኣትውሉ ዕድመ ኣብ ዝተፈላለዩ ነገራት ዝተመርኮሰ ኢዩ፤ ንሳቶምውን ዓልየት ቤተሰብ፣ ኣመጋግባን ፆታን ኢዮም፡፡ኣብዝሓ ኣዋልድን ኣወዳትን ካብ 10 ከሳብ 16 ዓመት ዕድመ ናብ ባፅሕነት ኣንትኣትው ውሑዳት ድማ ቕድሚኡ ወይ ድሕሪኡ ምጉረማስ ይጅምሩ፡፡

Puerperium - ፐረፐርዩም ወይ ድማ ድሕሪ ወሊድ ዘሎ ግዜ

The postnatal period. It includes the normal processes of physical and psychological adjustments in the period of about six weeks after the birth.

6 ሰሙን ድሕሪ ወሊድ ዘሎ ግዘ ከይዲ ንቡር ምምዕርራይ ኣካላውን ስነ-ኣእሙራውን ይሓውስ፡፡

Pulp (tooth) - ውሽጣዊ ኣካል ስኒ/ፓልፕ/

Tooth pulp is the deepest part of the tooth structure, where nerves and blood vessels are found. If it becomes diseased or injured and can't repair itself, the tooth dies and will soon fall out.

ውሽጣዊ ዓሚቕ ቅርፂ ስኒ እንትኾን ነርቭን ደም ቧንባ ድማ ኣብዙይ ይርከቡ፡፡ፓልፕ እንተ ሓሚሙ ወይ እንተ ተጎዲኡ ኣይፅገንን (ናብ ዝነበሮ ኣይምለስን) ፣እቲ ስኒ ይመውትን ሽዑ ንሽ ድማ ይወፅእ፡፡

Pupil - መርዓት ዓይኒ

The central opening in the ring-shaped muscular tissue of the iris. It gets smaller in bright light and larger in the dark.

ኣብ ማእከል ዓይኒ ዝርከብ ቀለብት ቅርፂ ዘለዎ ኣሪስ ቲሹ ኢዩ፡፡ ብርሃን እንትኾን ይንእስ እንትፅልምት ድማ ይዓቢ፡፡

Pus - መግሊ

A yellowish-white, sticky fluid formed in infected tissue, consisting of bacteria, white blood cells, cellular debris and dying tissue.

ሕውስዋስ ብጫን ፃዕዳን ዝጣበቕን ፈሳሲ እንትኾን ኣብ ዝረኸሰ ዝተፈጠረሉ ቲሹ ይስራሕ፡፡ እዙይ ድማ ባከተርያ፣ ፃዕዳ ዋህዮታት ደምን ዝሞቱን ዝመሽመሹ ቲሹን ዝሓዘ ኢዩ፡፡

Pustules - ምግሊ ዝsፀረ

Pus-filled blisters usually seen around the umbilicus or in the nappy area.

ምግሊ ዝsፀረ

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 November 2016, 9:40 AM