HACCP - ኤችአክክፒ

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system (HACCP) can be applied at all stages in the production, processing and handling of food products.

Haemoglobin - ሄሞግሎቢን

Haemoglobin is the red, iron-rich protein that gives red blood cells their colour and enables them to pick up oxygen and transport it around the body.

ንጥረ ነገር ሓፂን ብበዝሒ ዘለዎ ፕሮቲን ኮይኑ ቀይሕ ወህዮ ደም ንምስራሕ ይጠቅም

Haemorrhage - መድመይቲ

Excessive blood loss.

ድም ብበዝሒ ክፈስስ ከሎ

Haemorrhoids - ኪንታሮት

Haemorrhoids (also known as piles) are swollen veins around the anus. They may burn, hurt, or itch. Sitting or standing a lot can make haemorrhoids worse.

ኪንታሮት ዝሓበጠ ሱር ደም ኮይኑ ኣብ ፊንጢጣ ድማ ይርከብ

Harassment - ትንኮሳ

The act of annoying/bothering/pestering/tormenting.

ትንኮሳዊ ተግባር ማልት እዩ

Harbourage - መዓስከር

A shelter or refuge.

መዓስከር ማለት እዩ


Home Education Activities Drugs Sexuality. The HEADS assessment tool is used to assess adolescents in areas of difficulty that may be indicative of social and psychological problems.

Heartburn - ቅሓር ወይ ምቅፃል ውሽጢ ኣፍ ልቢ

A burning feeling or pain in the stomach, or between the breasts, is called indigestion or heartburn. E.g. Heartburn happens because the growing baby crowds the mother's stomach and pushes it higher than usual.

ኣብ ኣፍ ልቢ ካባቢ ምቅፃል ውይ ቀሓር ክስመዐካ ከሎ:: በተለይ ጥንሲ እናዓበየ ክኸይድ ከሎ ንአደታት ዝስመዐን ሕማም እዩ::

Height-age - ዕድመን ንውሓትን

The age that corresponds to the child's height when plotted at the 50th percentile on a growth chart.

ዕድመን ንውሓትን ምጥጣን

Helminths - ፅግዕተኛ ሰብነት ዝኾኑ ሓሳኹት

The collective name given to parasitic worms. They have complicated lifecycles, and some helminths require transmission between humans and other host animals before they mature.

ፅግዕተኛ ሰብነት ዝኾኑ ሓሳኹት

Hepatitis - ቁጠዐ ፀላም ከብዲ

Medical condition defined by serious inflammation of the liver. Several viruses can cause hepatitis, but the hepatitis B virus (or HBV) is the most important one. Hepatitis B disease is a major global health problem and the most serious type of viral hepatitis.

ፀላም ከብዲ ኣዙይ ከብድ ብዝኾነ ክትቁጣዕ ከላ:: መንሲኤ ድማ ቫይረስ ክኸውን ይኽእል:: መብዛሕቲኡ ጊዜ ድማ ብሄፓታይተስ ቢ ዝመፅእ ሕማም እዩ::

HIV - ኤችኣይቪ

Human Immunodeficiency Virus that causes the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV destroys the body's defences against other infections, which lead to death if the person is not treated appropriately with anti-HIV drugs. HIV is carried in the blood of an infected person and also appears in the genital tract of infected men and women.

ኤችኣይቪ ናይ ሰብነት ምክልኻል ዓቅሚ ዝዳኽም ሕማም እዩ:: ብኤችኣይቪ ዝተትሓዙ ሰባት መድሓኒት እንድሕር ዘይወሲዶም ክሞቱ ይኽእሉ እዮም:: ብኤችኣይቪ ኣብ ደምን ናይ ብልዕቲ ኣካልትን ይርከብ እዩ

Holistic - ምሉእነት

Treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a disease. E.g. Taking into account all of the child's problems including the major childhood illnesses in the assessment and treatment of illness.


Hormones - ሆርሞንስ

Hormones are signalling substances produced by collections of cells, called endocrine glands, which release their hormones into the blood. Different hormones control or regulate the activity of different cells.

ሆርሞን መልእኽቲ መተሓላልፍቲ ኮይኖም ኣብ ወህዮታት ኤንዶክራይን ዝስርሑ እዮም :: ካብኡ ድማ ናብ ደም ይኣትዉ:: ዝተፈላለዩ ሆርሞናት ዝተፈላለዩ ስራሕቲ ቁፅፅር ኣለዎም::

Host - ሆስት

The host is any susceptible organism that could be affected by a disease. Plants, animals or humans can be invaded by the infectious agent and become the host.

ሆስት ማለት ዝኾነ ህይወት ዘለዎ ነገር ንሕማም ዝተቃልዐ ማልት እዩ::ኣትክልቲ እንስሳት ሰባት በቲ ተህዋስ ክውረሩን ክጥቁዑን ይኽእሉ እዮም

Hygiene - ፅሬት

Hygiene generally refers to the set of practices associated with the preservation of health and healthy living.

ፅሬት ማለት ጥዕናኻ ንምሕላው ዝገበር ተግባርን ልምድን እዩ

Hypertension - ፀቅጢ ደም

High blood pressure. There are many causes of hypertension, including kidney diseases, narrowing of the aorta (the biggest artery leaving the heart), diabetes,the excessive use of alcohol and some medical drugs.

ፀቅጢ ደም ብዝተፋላለየ ነገር ይመፅእ ንኣብነት ብናይ ኩላሊት ሕማም ምፅባብ ዓብዪ ድም ሱር ኣኦርታ ሕማም ሽኮርያ ኣልኮል ምዝውታርን ካልኦት መድሓኒታት ምውሳድን

Hypoglycemia - ኣብ ሰወነት ዘጋጥም ዋሕዲ ሽኮር

Very low blood sugar.

ኣብ ሰወነት ዘጋጥም ዋሕዲ ሽኮር

Hypothermia - ሙቀት ሰብነት ናብ ዝተሓተ ደረጃ እንትወርድ

Excessive cooling of a person or reduction of body temperature which, if not prevented, may result in the body systems stopping their functions.

ሙቀት ሰብነት ናብ ዝተሓተ ደረጃ እንትወርድን ብጣዕሚ እንተወሪዱ ድማ ሰብነት ጠጠው ክብል ይገብር

Hypoxia - ዘፃድፍ ዋሕዲ ኦክስጅን ኣብ ደም እንተጋጥም

Acute shortage of oxygen in the blood.

ዘፃድፍ ዋሕዲ ኦክስጅን ኣብ ደም እንተጋጥም

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 November 2016, 9:35 AM