Labours are all different. Some are fast, some are slow. This is normal. But in a healthy labour, there should be progress. Progress means that labour should be getting stronger and the cervix should be opening. The box below summarises the main features of a labour that is progressing normally.

Reassure the mother that contractions get stronger because the labour is going well.

Gradual progress of normal labour

  • Contractions get longer, stronger and closer together.
  • The uterus feels harder when you touch it during a contraction (Figure above).
  • Amount of 'show' increases.
  • The bag of waters breaks.
  • The mother burps, sweats and vomits, or her legs shake.
  • The mother feels she wants to push down through her lower abdomen.
Last modified: Monday, 14 July 2014, 6:43 PM