If you have looked after the mother during her antenatal care check-ups, you will already know this information. If this is the first time you have seen her, record her name and her age: this is particularly important if she is a very young first-time mother, below 18 years of age.

Also record her height if possible, or estimate it; this will help you to evaluate whether she is 'small' for the size of the baby, which may mean that she could have problems giving birth if the baby's head cannot fit through her small pelvis.

Next ask her address, religion (if she chooses to share this information with you) and occupation (if she is in employment), and record it in the appropriate space in the chart.

Write down what is her main presenting symptom (her complaint), which in this case is usually labour pain (contractions), and a bearing-down sensation if she is already in second stage of labour.

Last modified: Wednesday, 21 May 2014, 11:24 PM