Is the baby vertical?
Most babies are lying vertically by the seventh month, with the baby's head towards the cervix of the uterus. This is the safest position for a normal delivery. To find out if the baby is vertical, lay one hand flat on each side of the mother's abdomen. Press in gently but firmly, first with one hand, and then with the other (Figure A). Check the shape carefully. Do the ends of the baby seem to be in the mother's sides (Figure B)? If so, the baby is probably lying sideways. Many babies lie sideways in the first months, but most turn head down by eight months or so. Babies cannot be born through the vagina from the sideways position. A baby that is sideways and cannot be turned when labour starts must be born by caesarean surgery in a hospital.
If the baby is lying sideways after eight months' gestation, refer the woman to a higher health facility.
It can be difficult to feel the position of the baby if the mother has very strong muscles on her abdomen, or if she has a lot of fat on her abdomen. If you have a hard time feeling the position, ask the mother to take a deep breath and let it out slowly, and to relax her body as you palpate (feel) her abdomen.