In this study session, you have learned that:

  1. There are certain assessment steps that you must carry out for every sick young infant so you can identify the signs of bacterial infections, especially a serious infection, and jaundice.
  2. A young infant can become sick and die very quickly from serious bacterial infections such as pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis.
  3. Any one of the following signs are signs of possible serious bacterial infections or very severe disease: not feeding well, convulsions, fast breathing, severe chest in-drawing, grunting, fever or low temperature and the infant moving only when stimulated or not moving even when stimulated.
  4. Assessment, classification and treatment of young infants with local bacterial infections and jaundice are key tasks for a health professional.
  5. You must enter relevant information on the young infant recording form.
  6. You should give follow-up care, two days after the initial visit, for a young infant who has local bacterial infection and/or jaundice.
  7. Effective communication with the mother is an important part of being able to carry out assessment of a young infant and when discussing with the mother how a young infant can be treated at home.
Last modified: Thursday, 22 May 2014, 8:51 PM