At this age, children should be eating a variety of foods in three meals a day, as well as two snacks during the day. The table below sets out the recommendations.

Recommendations for feeding children aged two years and older.

Two years and older
  • Give adequate servings of freshly prepared enriched family foods, three or four meals a day.
  • Also, twice daily, give nutritious food between meals, such as egg, milk, fruits, kitta, dabo, ripe yellow fruits.
  • Give the child his own servings and actively feed the child.
  • Give freshly prepared food and use clean utensils.
  • Increase intake of food and fluids during illness, and give one additional meal of solid food for about two weeks after illness to help the child recover quickly.
  • Give vitamin A supplements and Mebendazole every six months.
At this age the child should be taking a variety of family foods in three meals per day. The child should also be given two extra feedings between meals (snacks) per day. These may be family foods or other nutritious foods which are convenient to give between meals.

Examples of nutritional food include kitta (flat bread of non-fermented wheat flour) and dabo (home-made bread), softened with milk. These are good sources of protein and are energy-rich complementary foods for children over two years. In addition, consumption of potatoes and fruits, such as oranges and bananas, should be encouraged.

Last modified: Friday, 23 May 2014, 11:36 PM