You now need to develop a practical action plan with respect to the objectives you have set. The following steps should help you do this. The box below shows an example of how the plan can be stated.

Your action plans can be pasted on the wall of theĀ health facility so everyone knows what you hope to achieve. (Photo: Tom Heller)

Hygiene and sanitation plan

The problem Village J has no access to safe water and there is a high rate of neonatal death from diarrhoea. The community is difficult to reach because of poor roads.
Objective To provide health education on hygiene and sanitation to 75% of mothers at household level.
Strategy and activities The work is to be done by model households. The strategy is to train a health professional who will then train the model households.
Resources Health professionalĀ X will deliver refresher training on hygiene and sanitation to households.
Organisation The training of model households will take place in the village hall.
Control Each model household will keep a simple record of the number of women reached.

How will you know if a plan has been effective?

Show answer

If lots of mothers are taught about hygiene and sanitation the plan could be considered to be effective. But the real test will be if there are fewer deaths from diarrhoea in the future.

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 July 2014, 5:54 PM