The key to any successful health education activities will always be the individuals needed to carry them out. You are the primary person to put health education activities into practice within your own community. However, it is difficult for you to carry out every task. So you should be able to identify volunteer individuals from the community, such as community leaders and possibly religious leaders. In addition, leaders of different community organisations may be very helpful. They may be able to assist you in organising the community, arranging schedules for health education, mobilising the community for participation, and even possibly delivering health education sessions for their followers themselves.

Healthcare workers are gathered in a classroom.

There may be lots of people in the local community who can help with planning and tackling health issues. (Photo: Carrie Teicher)

Other non-governmental organisations may be available in your community, and may be important sources of personnel for your activities. They may be able to assist you in different ways. For example, they may help you to provide training for peer educators or for households. In addition, you could request the district health office to provide you with assistance on certain issues. For example, the district health office might be able to provide you with teaching materials.

Last modified: Monday, 7 July 2014, 9:16 PM