A health professional talking to a client.

To promote improved utilisation of antenatal care services, good communication plays a key role. Communication methods are all the ways in which people exchange ideas, feelings and information, including through conversation, print media such as books and leaflets, posters, radio, television, and increasingly through the internet, where facilities allow. Effective health education involves a two-way dialogue.

What do you understand by two-way communication?

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It occurs when information is exchanged between at least two people through participation and discussion.

Two-way communication is the best method to promote health education messages to individuals or groups. There should be a free flow of communication between all participants. Remember, your ears are two of your most important tools! This is particularly important in health education because it enables you to get useful feedback from everyone, and to understand their concerns and resolve them through discussion.

Where and when can the health education of pregnant women happen?

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It can happen anywhere and anytime. For example, during an antenatal check-up, while you are asking questions and listening to the woman's answers, you can discuss the issues that are important to her. At the market, at a community gathering, or anytime you meet with pregnant women, or their husbands, you have the chance to discuss the benefits of antenatal care.

A health professional facilitating a community gathering of men and women

Community gatherings are good times to get positive health messages across; involve men as well as women in discussing the benefits of antenatal care.
Last modified: Monday, 14 July 2014, 8:46 PM